Beauty and the Beast: "If I Can't Love Her"
Hey, guys. It's B. Just as an FYI, this post is REALLY depressing. The words in purple are my reflections on the lyrics.
And in my twisted face
There's not the slightest trace
Of anything that even hints of kindness
I feel as though I've found a way to disappoint everyone. I have nothing to lose and everything to prove.
And from my tortured shape
No comfort, no escape
I see, but deep within is utter blindness
I have a talent for not seeing the most obvious things, mainly about myself. I can help others, but when it comes to what I want... I'm totally lost. I can't even tell what I want anymore.
As my dream dies
As the time flies
Love a lost illusion
If you had asked me this time last year, I'd have said "him": "All I want is Chris". But I don't that any more. I could have swore that was what I wanted, and maybe it still is, but not with him because I'm scared out of my mind that there's someone else that I'd be willing to give my whole heart to, if he knew I was alive.
Cold and driven
To this sad conclusion
I may be incable of love. I know it's the one thing I want most, but at the same time, I haven't let myself have it. The saddest part is that *I* am the only thing in the way of my happiness. Me and my fear is all I have left.
No beauty could move me
No goodness improve me
No power on earth, if I can't love her
This new guy in my life, he's nothing like I'd hoped he'd be and for once, I'm not making him into who I want him to be because he's already what I need. It's just that he's looking higher up the scale than me and I don't know why, but I'll only ever be a friend to him.
No passion could reach me
No lesson could teach me
How I could have love her and made her love me too
If I can't love her, then who?
I should have learned from last time that guys aren't worth it. That he can't love me because he already has her. Even if she doesn't like him, there will always be another "her" for him. And I can't ever be "her".
Long ago I should have seen
All the things I could have been
Careless and unthinking, I moved onward
Maybe I should have just gone out with Isaiah and been done with it. But I don't know what would have happened. I just don't like Isaiah. Not like I like him. I didn't want to be one of those girls who HAS to have a boyfriend. But what if I AM? He makes me want to scream. And then go weak at the knees.
No pain could be deeper
No life could be cheaper
No point anymore, if I can't love her
My heart is breaking. I am rushing to pick up the pieces, but they fall faster than I can pick them up. I may just let it stay broken for a while. It's kind of nice to know that I can feel something. This must how it feels to die.
No spirit could win me
No hope left within me
Hope I could have loved her and that she'd set me free
Do I really even like him? I haven't a clue as to why I do, just that he makes me smile. And he has the ability to kill me like this. I might just be experiencing boy withdraw, but I kind of hope it's more than that.
But it's not to be
If I can't love her
Let the world be done with me.
It doesn't even matter, because he will never love me. He has "her". And she will always have his heart, no matter how many times her name changes and she rejects him. I can't love him. Not knowing that it will always be unrequited. But I still do.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
If I Can't Love Him
Posted by b2the3 at 1:53 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
- I still haven't been posting often.
- you all seem to enjoy posting in list format... so i'll follow suit, because it's easier.
- if any of you have heard anything in my direction i ask you don't show it publicly, but confront me in private, we can talk.
- i just found out there is a list function on here... :D
- how have you guys been?
- i may have missed the posts of this, but eh, what'd y'all get for christmas? :D
- i'm out of things to say, man my creativity has gone downhill... D: HELP.
- <- I love the sidebar.
- i miss you guys. D:
- Am i the only one who wants school to start again? i miss being busy. xD
Posted by dark_athene at 8:48 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Summery of my evening yesterday:
~Called you guys.
~Called you guys again.
~Called you guys a third time.
~Chucked my phone somewhere.
~Tried to write.
~Gave up.
~Watched 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'
~Made Duct Tape ART that took like 4 hours.
~Cried a lot harder than you would expect from just watching a sad movie.
~It was really depressing.
~Throughout all that I didn't stop thinking.
~In fact I still haven't stoped thinking.
~I lost all sorts of sleep because I was THINKING.
~(which, I'll have you know violates one of my life rules regarding men)
~And I came to this conclusion:
~Not only am I in like, I'm also going through withdraw.
~Yeah, FML
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:24 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tis the Night B-fore Christmas
Tis the night before Christmas
and all through the house,
Only one blogger is stirring,
Quiet as a mouse... Or trying anyway :)
So, this Christmas Eve is not the way I expected it, but it's kind of nice. We spent so much time at church (three services) we didn't make it up to Dublin for Christmas with NaNa, Tarzan got slammed and called us at home, we didn't get the tetrazini done in time so we ate Wendy's for dinner...
But just the same, the house is quiet (except for the NeverShoutNever CD Haybug gave me which I'm trying to keep down, I promise!). The hope of tomorrow hangs in the balance and my room smells like it always does when I know something good will happen tomorrow, like Christmas, Easter, the day before school starts back up, some Sundays or Fridays depending on how I feel :)
I wish you all the happiest of times with all the dysfunction that comes with the season and the joy that comes with the dysfunction (sometimes it does, anyway...)
Smiles And Love,
Posted by b2the3 at 8:28 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Bee drowning in honey. That's right, B fail.
When you're hanging out with Garebear, still rather flustered by the fact that Maddie thought I was DATING Tom when B decides to tell Garebear that Maddie thought I was going out with Tom.
I mean what was that supposed to tell him???? That I'm in high demand?!?! How is that going to "Let him down easy" B??? rEaLlY???
My word...that was terrible. How will that help the situation?
It's a good think I heart you, b.
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:03 PM 10 comments
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Remember this???
So. bored. i'm in social studies, kind of disturbed. was just asked weather or not jesus was a pokemon. will get back when less shaken up. did reasearch project. had to start over. 2 times. going to log off. spotted! help!
Posted by b2the3 at 7:46 AM
IloveCh0c0lAtE said...
who asked u if jesus is a pokemon disturbing
Monday, December 15, 2008
Neon Duck said...
Hey, Ohlivia, I can come to your partay on friday. w00t. HAA I GOTMY BRACES OFFF!!!! w00000t!!!! w00t! w00t! Nothn' but TEETH, w00t.
Monday, December 15, 2008
pookieface=] said...
ugh, i get mine off in jan. BUT I DONT HAVE TO WEAR THOSE HORRID BANDS ANYMORE!!!! =]who thought jesus is a pokemon???whoeever it is, wow. go them. not.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Chaco said...
U know what would suck Duck? If a basketball hit ur face and screwed up ur teeth and u had 2 be rebraced!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happycload said...
Not if it knocked all her teeth out.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Neon Duck said...
Teeth glorious teeth! i'm so glad I found mine! HOw it would so suckkk if metal still covered them!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Happycload said...
Shut up duck face. :(
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Heat_Signature said...
Okay, now that happycload is genuinely pissed, I might as well tell you, cloud is spelled CLOUD not CLOAD ok, got it, if not why not?HAPPYCLOUD!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Happycload said...
Lol. I'm not pissed, It's just cuz she got her braces off and I still have mine. I'm just jelous(sp?). And I KNOW that I'm spelling it as CLOAD, that's the point! So don't go spazzing out on me! It's not supposed to be CLOUD!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Neon Duck said...
num num. This is quite fun. DOn't tell her she's internally angry either, she'll go off and make you write a new list...sigh, it wasn't fun to write, just so you know HC.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
B2the3 said...
oh, she won't anything, shes a spring loaded dagger, like the kid you get on halloween. BTW, it was adam something or other.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happycload said...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
pookieface=] said...
oh, and she'll give you "the look". trust me, its not fun.ha.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Happycload said...
...what is it with you people and this whole 'internaly angry', 'the look', 'spring loaded dagger' thing!? Ugh! Can we just...change the subject!?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Neon Duck said...
Okay. Marshmellows are canables and needless to say they're absolutely evil and I'm terrified of them.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happycload said...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Neon Duck said...
take a good long look at a marshmellow and tell me you don't get evil vibes from it.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happycload said...
Umm...I don't know Neon, I don't spend to much time staring at marshmellows. In fact...I don't think we even have any in my house. I know! I KNOW! I'M DEPRIVED!...(sp?)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Neon Duck said...
No, your not, you should count yourself lucky, im MY house I'm always looking over my shoulder to see if a marshmellow army may come and eat me.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Happycload said...
.....*holds back laughter* ....*tries to hold back laughter* ...*fails at holding back laughter*
Friday, December 26, 2008
Neon Duck said...
Oh you may be smuthered in giggles but they are brutal lettle creatures.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Happycload said...
Yeah. Whatever you say Neon.
That was about a year ago... hahahaaaaaaa!!!!!! i liked it when everyone commented!
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:37 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
There's a fine line between independent and lonely.
~Lord, I am rather confused.
~~"I want, I want everything I've ever seen in the movies!"
~~~Singing joy, enough to go round
~~~~I need to study for 2 tests...
~~~~~I love Irish Christmas Music
~~~~~~I wonder if I got in Willy Wonka.
~~~~~~~I thought I did well at auditions.
~~~~~~Looking back, I don't regret much
~~~~~I happen to be out of like...I should hope.
~~~~Though you never know with me
~~~I don't want to go through midterms
~~This post has no point...
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:22 PM 9 comments
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Im supposed to be doing homework. Instead ive been reading about Art Lane. I saw a picture and almost started crying, I've seen him in the halls everyday, he was always smiling and surrounded by friends, but not in a stuck up way. Ive been reading so much stuff, and it makes me truely sad. There have been so many deaths in central ohio this week, and they, their family and friends are all in my prayers. Go Davidson, win States for Art.
Posted by pookieface :] at 5:22 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
What happened to this year?!? It's going SO fast! I miss you, Linz!
If anybody wants to pop over to the rec center by the west pool (wasn't it just last week we were lounging our summer away there?) on Sunday, we'll be having a puppet show there at 4.
I officially fell compentant. I totally got the Algerbra 2 test aced! SOOOOO HAPPY!! See what studing can do? I, like, UNDERSTAND it. And that's, like, WOAH.
I just realized I'm typing like I talk. I need to lay off the "like"s and the "I know right"s. I say them a little too often.
I wore make-up today. It was a 2-hour late start and then we spent the first hour of school out side for an emergency pepper spray evacuation. Apparently, the girl who set it off went to my elementary school, but she's a year older than me, so I don't know her.
I think that Jesse may just be the KING OF THE PERVES. Although, come to think of it, the DUKE (Wellman) runs a pretty close second. I usually walk out of lunch with them and you'd be surprised how many times they use the word "thrust" and how many times I have to use the word "CREEEEEPERS!". They must have their moments, other wise I wouldn't hang with them as much.
I'm slowly be corrupted.
WinterFest tomorrow. :)
Posted by b2the3 at 6:29 PM 6 comments
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
( I had a cool picture but it got messed up so i took it off :[ it went with the title. )
Im trying not to think about mid terms.....
All of us are stressed for the French one cause our teacher never teaches us whats on our tests.
I miss Blannin.
But anyway.... I really like honors bio :]
I think i might break up with Ed, but i cant decide.
Adam is pissing me off.
Just a little. (understatement)
I almost completely have my cartwheel on beam!!!!!!!!!!!
First meet is Dec 11.... then on the 12th i have Tèlèstai auditions (its also my cousins bday), and on the 13th i have my first choir concert. BUSY.
I miss you all!!!!!!!!
Posted by pookieface :] at 8:06 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Facts of Life
People create stories to make sense of the world.
Always remember:
Life doesn't make sense.
And though we like to believe differently:
Bad things happen to good people.
So the point of life is to come to terms with these facts and work within them.
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:56 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
i believe magic
I have to say: my love life is less than nonexsistant. I'm totally past Chris and all, but i came to a revolution! I don't WANT a boyfriend right now. They seem like more drama than they're worth. "I may be the last woman in the world to do it, but i've finally become a down-with-love girl. Level 3! I don't want love and I don't want you." Such a good movie.
I hate Algebra 2.
I made a new friend today! I used to be scared of her, but yeah. And she will probably be a freshman again next year, but it's ok because I won't have to sit by a stranger on the bus any more.
I'm done with my sister. She's so mean. :(
And I believe in magic... "in a young girl's heart. How the music can free her whenever it starts. Believe in the magic it'll set you free cause that magic's in the music and the music's in me!"
Do you believe in magic?
Life would be so much easier with superpowers.
OR a calculator in my brain.
OR with sleep...
Smiles and Magic All Around!
Posted by b2the3 at 1:56 PM 9 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
Still a lip virgin.
Gymnastics is a varsity sport, and everyone gets a varsity participation award, but only some letter.
Ill prolly letter.
Which sucks, because i have the #4 spot on my team right now. That means that ill compete in like every meet.
There is an invatational on January 16th. The ski trip is from January 14th to the 17th.
I really wanted to go on the ski trip for youth group, but i cant.
Because of gymnastics, and also its $185 and we have, like NO money.
I wanted to go to that more than anything this whole year.
being apathetic's a pathetic way to be, but i dont care.....
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:31 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I feel sooooo behind, and tired, i shouldn't write this while tired or it will just go on and on. I almost forgot a period key existed, let alone it's use. THAT could have been ranty. anyyyyway, i would totally suggest music for the blog, but i have a feeling you guys would hate my current taste in music, so i'll skip that point, what other point did i promise to hit the next time i posted? ughhh... tired isn't helping, and my music is going against me here. okay... okay okay okayyy. What to say what to say? i've been well, school is well, only struggling in Spanish 2. D: but all shall be well, helped a sophmore in Honors Biology with her homework today, does that count for anything? i'm drawing more as of recent, and people have actually WANTED my drawings, weirrrd.. but now i feel like i'm ranting on nothing, you guys ought to give me ideas on what to post on, i would post more often if you did. xD
OH HEY I MISS YOU GUYS! i knew i was forgetting something, but i really miss you all! D:
Posted by dark_athene at 12:28 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hell is real...and other bad tidings.
~My parents returned and its all I can do not to gnaw my arm off when they're talking to me.
~I am really starting to hate being stuck as me. I'm getting sick of all the problems that are Neon Duck.
~Overall I had a good day, I suppose. Just all the unfortunates (it's a breed of stupid little elves) came in clumps.
~If any of you say this has anything to do with men...It honestly doesn't. And Ribble if you give me that stupid smile and go "Yeah, okay whatever." May I remind you that I have gotten past 8th grade. Not that you'll believe me and you probably still are smirking because we all know when I'm mad it MUST have SOMETHING to do with men because I"m incapable of any other emotion.
~AFHK qalosztiefh alhk f I am so frustrated with everything.
Posted by Neon Duck at 2:53 PM 6 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
What is it about these high school guys?
I, also, am in like :] Unfortunately he doesnt go to Davidson, hes a Darby boy. And it IS NOT Brandon. (But i do miss him. And Austin. And Nate. ]: )
His name is Ed.
Shut up! I know what you are thinking!
Hes a snowboarder.
I text him alllllll the time.
My mother better not be reading this.
I might be hanging with Kyleigh and Chris and him and this other kid at his house on saturday. After gym tryouts of course. Were going to play BS. I told my mother that there was no 'interest' between me and him... oops... :]
NATE GOT A FACEBOOK! And i know some of you might think whatever about him, but i am so excited because i missed him alot!
My life is picking up, but i still wish i was at bradley with you guys.
Laura, im moving in with you.
OH! and i reeeeeeeeeeeeally really really really want to go on this ski trip with my neighbor Lexis youth group, we miss school on Jan 14th and drive to West Virginia and hit the slopes all day, then we leave saturday for Kentucky and stay at a church there until Sunday afternoon (17th i think) when we head back. And its for middle and high school so my brother could go too. Its only $185 with a snowboard lesson and rental. :] But i have a meet the day before, and an invitational on the 16th and then a meet on the 19th so i might not get to go which sucks so bad!!!!!!!
I love her youth group. Its SOOOOOO fun!
Brad put me in charge of something next week, but i forget what... crap.
I might be competing varsity for gymnastics... maybe. Prolly not tho. Idk if i even want to this year, next year sure though!
Posted by pookieface :] at 7:01 AM 16 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
~Something sappy about how I'm in like and things have a silvery glow to them.
~I'm in like.
~Like like like.
~As in link arms and skip and then make an idiot of myself like.
~Like as in someone I would date.
~Like as in caring about the future.
~B. If. I ever turn into the girlfriend TELL ME. Right away.
~ALT 3
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:24 PM 13 comments
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
You all do realize our conversation at lunch was entirely hypothetical?
It was the equivalent of me asking "If I rolled off a cliff in a huge hollow pumpkin would you be more shocked at my stupidity or the randomness of it?" (Seriously, answer that).
I was just spazing as Neons do best.
But now it's good to know that if something does happen (which it may not, contrary to popular belief) I'll be prepared, and in the mean time I'm not going to worry about B's potential third wheel problem. (Which may not even occur.) See how mature I can be?
Love y'all!
Posted by Neon Duck at 3:16 PM 7 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
singing joy, enough to go round, enough to go round and around and around
~I hope you bandies had fun at the skull session, sorry I didn't come, I swear I'll come to one of your concerts.
~Speaking of concerts......the orchestra's is this Tuesday at 7ish if you want to come I can get the details. Come hang with Tom, Haybug Tumnus and me! A little bird says we sound amazing. If anything you can just laugh at our really stupid uniforms....lolz Tom looks like a bubbly 007 +D
~And if you want to live high, live high. If you want to live low live low. Cuz there's a million ways to go, you know that there are.
~Spent the night at Pookie's house...Sniff I already miss her.
~I am doing more or less NOTHING this weekend...except for making Haybug cupcakes. So call me if you want to hang.
~I'm starting to feel, we stayed together out of fear of dying alone.
~I love you all!
Posted by Neon Duck at 8:26 AM 15 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Doodle Your Life Away
- People who breathe from their mouths. Excuse me, I just can stand that sound.
- People who read your doodles over your shoulder and don't even bother to keep their laughter to themselves. Ozwald. (or Oswald. (or Loud-Mouth-Breather-Who-Can't-Keep-his-Eyes-on-his-own-paper.))
- Teachers who are a.) overly peppy (horne) or b.) underly peppy (sayre). Why can't I just have 7 Ruffings.
- Teachers who don't GIVE NOTES BACK!!
But yes. Anyway, exciting news!! I have convinced one brother into techiehood and the other into thespianism. In other words: I get to sit in on Memorial play practices for the next three years.
Speaking of Memorial: you know how people are always like "when you're old, you'll remember high school as the best years of your life"? Disagree. Disagree. DISAGREE. It'll always be middle school. I look in the mirror and think 'what happened to that cute little sevie who was so happy'?? The answer is simple! High school happened. I had a dentist appointment yesterday and i freaked out when we went past memorial like "Mom! You missed the turn!!!!" and she was like "Hon, you go to BRADLEY." She only calls me "hon" when i've been a space case. Oh well. I'll be Doodling My Life Away....

Posted by b2the3 at 5:18 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Vanilla Twilight
The stars lean down to kiss you,
And I lie awake
I miss you,
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere.
Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly,
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'll send a postcard to you dear,
Cause I wish you were here.
I watch the night turn light blue,
But it's not the same without you,
Because it takes two to whisper quietly,
The silence isn't so bad,
Till I look at my hands and feel sad,
Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly.
I'll find opposing new ways,
Though I haven't slept in two days,
Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone.
But drenched in vanilla twilight,
I'll sit on the front porch all night,
Waist deep in thought because when I think of you,
I don't feel so alone.
I don't feel so alone.
I don't feel so alone.
As many times as I blink I'll think of you... tonight.
I'll think of you tonight.
When violet eyes get brighter,
And heavy wings grow lighter,
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again.
And I'll forget the world that I knew,
But I swear I won't forget you,
Oh if my voice could reach back through the past,
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here.
Vanilla Twilight.
Owl City.
Ocean Eyes.
My thoughts exactly.
Posted by pookieface :] at 7:06 PM 4 comments
Monday, October 19, 2009
I feel like a piece of poop...
I am like, not even trying today. Boots, sweats, t shirt, and unmatching jacket.
OH! i love, love, love the neutrogena Clean and Clear kit. Best 'investment' ever.
Erin and Eric are no more.... Eric is a poophead, and now Erin is sad all the time.
I really really miss Austin, he didn't go to the game or homecoming and i havent seen him since like, july or june i think.
Brandon needs to get over Cass. She has moved on. Way way way on.
I ain't lovedrunk right now.
I have voice tomorrow. I really want to get better but i never have time to practice. I did the warm ups like, 3x this week, and i sang through my songs, um, not at all. I finish my homework and then its 1030 and its too late to play or sing loud. :( Oh, and i have a full theory lesson to do but those are pretty easy.
Marisa (my new friend) is getting a german shepard. I am NOT sleeping over at her house, ever, now.
I cant belive on Friday we are done with the first 9 weeks. It has gone so fast.
My life is about to get insanely hectic.
I am stopping by lauras at like 6:30 today after conditioning because i left my adidas shoes there and i want them back!
I miss you guys so freakin much!
Pookieface Yheart :]smiley
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:29 AM 9 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
La de da da de da... Update on MOI :]
*I REAAAAAAAAAAAALLY wanted to join ski club, that would be epic.
*ABBEY FREAKING LOST MY TRANSFER FORM AND WE DONT HAVE SCHOOL FRIDAY! So unless if i can just get like, an extra Davidson transfer form and fill it out at lunch and tonight and get it to abbey today then i cant go. And Erin, Adam, Brandon, Seirra, Vicki, Abbey, Rae, Kyleigh, Phoebe and kenji, and i think corey are all going to be there. :[ i have HAVE HAVE to go.
*I have felt so fat this past week, omg, yesterday i like couldnt stop eating! After school alone i had, 3 granola bars, 3 apples, 3 cookies, a whole bag of popcorn, 1/2 a box of wheat thins, and my dinner. I was so disgusted with my self, i mean really..? Who eats that much!?
*Marissa and Adam are in a fight...
*Ugh, this is not going to be a good day.
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:33 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Worst Week
I think it’s fair to say that this hasn’t been my week. Monday I said things I didn’t mean and it wasn’t a big deal. Closed the door on my head and dropped my GINORMOUS algebra 2 book on my foot four or five times. Tuesday I forgot my lunch and bought. Then I spilled said lunch all over my hand… and it was a salad with LOTS of dressing. Let me just say: EW. And I cut my finger on a bucket. A ROUND BUCKET. I picked up fundraiser stuff and one of the boxes was missing, but we found it. So, :) The band-aid from my bucket cut was beginning to cut off my circulation, so I cut it off with a pair of scissors. BAAAAAD idea. Don’t ever cut off a band-aid with a pair of scissors. You WILL cut yourself again and need a second band-aid. Yesterday, Wednesday, I got every single move in band wrong. I also failed an algebra thing. Puppets yielded killer. I am so out of practice! :( Today, it was character (it’s homecoming spirit week). So I got out my Hermione costume. I was called a freak in 3 languages. No, really: English, Spanish, and Hindi. Plus I somehow managed to get yogurt on my forehead. And I cut my lip on my clarinet in band and hit my head on the stand.
But I have faith that this BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD week will not END on a sour note. This game is one of my only refuges. That sounds REALLY lame now that I read it… but never the less, it’s a good game to beat your frustrations on. I don’t recommend it if you have to go somewhere in the next hour, it’s SO addictive.
But leave the whining blogger be!
Love Y’all!
Posted by b2the3 at 2:03 PM 9 comments
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
This glorious life
I was just thinking about how my life is most wondrous.
Just think about it, I'm beating odds not being born in a 3rd world country
I have free speech
I have the perfectly sound health of mind and body
I have a lovely (usually) family
I have the opportunity to have a good education.
And yet, even with all these things without you guys I would find it difficult to just make it through the day.
So I want to say that I love you all. And I appreciate what you do for me, and just being there, putting up with my quirks. You guys just add that 'it' factor to my life. And I am so excited to hang out with you this weekend!
~Love NEON.
P.S. B, you have to add every song from Gnarls Barkley 'The odd couple' album, especially blind mary.
Posted by Neon Duck at 2:21 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Today is a happy day. But its only 3rd period, so that could change.
Meh. Davidsons homecoming was kinda lame... if you dont dance its really not that fun.
So im thinking im going to dance, not all the time but for part of it, at Bradleys.
I really want to go to Darbys too.
With a certian someone :]
Posted by pookieface :] at 7:08 AM 5 comments
Thursday, October 1, 2009
40 Things
1)A delightful shade of lavender
2)Most inaccurate.
13)songs for Life.
14)Lost dreams.
15)Death of ink
21)Hummed love.
23)48 cigars
24)test of fate?
25)Cracked dignity.
26)Telephone ping pong
27)Ils n'adorent pas...
28)Never be content with the amount of love you give.
19)SAY IT.
21)Control of life.
22)Multiple roles.
23)Murder? Just not my style.
24)Victor's piano.
28)Not my intent
33) I'm missing you.
34) This is just...
35)Just disgustingly wonderful
36)Watching in horror
37) Stop post it-ing your life.
Posted by Neon Duck at 1:43 PM 11 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
No One Said It'd be Easy
It’s 9 o’clock on a Sunday night.
My world just ended but I’m all right.
No one said it’d be easy.
But no one said it’d be this hard.
Things are going to be ok.
Some angel is going to look my way.
I know if I try…
Things will get better if I cry.
It’s 7:15 on a Monday morn
I’m trying get better but I’m torn
No one said it’d be easy.
I believe someday I’ll calm this storm.
Things are going to be ok.
Something new is going to come my way.
I know if I try…
Things will get better if I cry.
It’s 5:30 on a Tuesday eve
I’m trying to remember what I believe
No one said it’d be easy.
I never thought I could cry this much.
Things are never going to be ok,
Somebody new is getting in my way.
I know if I try…
I’ll fail…
It hasn’t been my week.
Can’t remember my last good day,
So I crawl back on hands and knees
Praying for it to get easy…
It’s 12 A.M. and I’m awake
Wondering how long it’ll take
To get easy
I think I’ve figured it out
Things are starting to be ok.
I hope that angel is here to stay
I know if I try…Things will be better after a good long cry…
Posted by b2the3 at 6:17 PM 12 comments
ignore thisss
hey i just needed to put a link to this website that i can get to from the school computers...
Posted by pookieface :] at 10:53 AM 4 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
the prospect of tonight makes me smile :]
Darby vs. Bradley.
I cant wait.
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:28 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
211th Post. And I stole it :]
I had my first voice lesson and Mrs. Quint was really impressed with my voice and stuff. :] It was really good!!!!!
I forgot my phone at home though..... :[
Im getting fat... i eat a giant cookie at lunch every day so i think i should stop... haha i dont work out enough to not have to worry bout that. I did do some conditioning last night. I can never finish at gym so i am trying to do it here. Bleh.
Homecoming is Oct. 3rd. I dont have any potential dates unless Mickey moves back within the next week. Long story. Remind me and i'll tell you about it on Friday. Im such a flirt! Good Lordy!
Well, i dont really have anything else to say at the moment... Love you guyssssss!
Hope its good at Bradley, even though i know that it mostly is cause i talked to ND on the phone like, yesterday.
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:30 AM 6 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Something new.
~I turned someone down.
~As bad as I feel about saying it I have an odd sense of power that kind of scares me.
~I finally have learned to not date someone just because they asked me.
~I can be single and absolutely content.
~And, Pooks I am absolutely not boy crazy.
~never have been.
~There's just been an excess of guys in my life.
~I didn't choose it.
~I hope this is the most drama of this year.
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:48 AM 4 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
short post from ICT
Hey, so yesterday was a eventful day.
1) Andy. He found me when we were walking out to the busses and was like "OMG I havent seen you in forever! and I miss you and how are you and that sucks that marissas moving" and all that stuff. He hugged me. I almost punched him.
2) Volley For Victims. Me and my neighbor are planning this event called volley for victims and its going to be like Hoops For Hope, but volleyball.
We couldnt leave her puppy home alone because he would tear up the house and so we stuffed him up her shirt and rode to starbucks and planned for it for 3 hours. Its going to be awesome. Were still researching where we want our proceeds to go, but i want your guys feedback on wether you would pay $100 to enter a team (6 people per team, thats only about $16 a person) and play a game against another team of the same age group. Its just going to be for fun, and there would be door prizes and we were thinking we could maybe play for a winner, but it would depend how long the games are taking and how many people sign up. Its going to be awesome.
Oh, and then we had to ride over to Adam's house and drop of the book that i borrowed, and that took a while and i stopped by marissas and accidentally left my bag (lexis cell was in it) at her house (SHE MOVES IN 1 WEEK.) and then it was dark and we got in SO SO SO SO much trouble. Like yelled at by her dad, and threatened by all our parents and then get this, NO PUNISHMENT! it just cant happen again, and if it does we have to call.
3) So many people are sick! oh, my Lord! Every time i turn around its like "oh, so and so has the swine flu!" "No they dont... Theyre in the hospital for a blood transfusion." "nu-uh, i just talked to them yesterday and they have strep!" its pretty insane. Weve already had 4 cofinrmed cases of the swine flu.
4) I START VOICE LESSONS ON TUESDAY! im so excited! I have to get really good for senior choir, and plus i just really want them cause i love singing. And the songs were doing in choir are really fun except this christmas song about a sleigh. Bleh.
5) Im trying to stress less. Thats a good thing. :]
6) There is a recording studio in mill run that i found that i might record my song at... its $50 an hour, but they said that they would give me a discount. :]
Love youuuuuuu,
Pookie :]
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:28 AM 6 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
I'm the Fire
Hey all! Week 3. I suppose that I've adjusted well enough. I really like all the new friends I've made. But I do have a point in this.
Ok, so things aren't exactly perfect on the boy front for me. Blue-eyes doesn't have any classes with me (except for lunch and we don't sit together) and the last time we seriously talked (because we do... for real) was about two weeks ago, but youth group starts up next week, so I refuse to give up on him for at least another week. And if you're trying to set me up (i.e. happy and the duck) I don't want to be set up until I can be sure that this isn't going anywhere. Most of the time it looks promising. Just not so much in the past two weeks. School happened. What can I say? There's too much sky, not enough blue. Too many questions about why I love you. To many clouds, not enough sun. The rain must fall on every one.
As for who you're trying to set me up WITH. I don't see him like that. Period. Aparently that doesn't mean much anymore because you a very persistant. YES. We do get along well. NO. He is not the most untractive man alive. YES. We are closer than I am with other people. But NO. I do NOT see him like that. Is it really impossible for a boy and a girl to just be friends?
P.S. Be proud, I remembered my password! :)
Posted by b2the3 at 7:51 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Lookey here Laura Jean! (plus week 3)
Posted by pookieface :] at 8:25 PM 7 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Oh the times are indeed changing.
WELL. What can I say? 'I suffered a crushing dissapointment.'?
I did. but it wasn't crushing and I'm better off...
Better off without a guy giving me puppy dog eyes, (which will stop, hopefully when I stop listening to his every word).
Better off without being head over heels, because things are always upside down from that perspective.
Better off with friends and no boyfriend.
Better off just being me....singular (In all sences of the word).
~The singular and content duck.
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:06 PM 8 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Week 1 and 2.
Hey Liv, remember on the last day of school how you drew plans to blow up Davidson on my leg? Yeah, get to work.
Week 1:
Pretty much horrible, the only highlights to my days were Erin and Adam and Meaghan and Jenna and my new friend Marisa. The schoolwork is hard. My favorite teacher as of now is Mrs. Kershner, my Honors Biology teacher. And thus, supsizingly, H. Bio is my favorite class! I guess it was kind of fun to see my old friends, but not a lot of them really had anything in common with me anymore. I get to see kids im friends with from my neighborhood on the bus, but i can see them whenever. Plus half of them are upperclassmen and dont talk to me in the halls.
Week 2:
A little bit better, they put me in the alto section in choir though when i am CLEARY NOT AN ALTO. I am making a few new friends, Michaela C, and Kyle (my neighbor baileys cousin) who is a junior, and ummmmm, im kind of friends with this cheerleader Paige that i sit next to in World Studies. Abd guess what!? My would studies teacher doesnt hate me!!!!!!!! He told me that if i dont do track im lucky that im not in his class for the 2nd semester. Id be scared. But I dont know wether to do track or the musical... AH! I dont think i can do both either. :[
Lunch times arent as fun, i sit with Erin and Adam and Jeff Burdette, and Dylan from 6th grade, and carson and ryan Dixon. I text Marissa all lunch cause we have it at the same time. We never really have any epic convos at lunch anymore though. but hey, no class and no tests to freaking ruin my GPA so, I LOVE IT. Ha. Yeah, i thought i did so well on my Alg 2 test... i got an f on the quiz and a D- on the actual test. I now have a C- for the class, which is better than Erin and Adam but still. :[
I Miss All Of You.
P.S. i think i might be in like :P
Posted by pookieface :] at 6:08 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Week 2.
I am so very happy.
Unreasonably happy.
In fact I may just smile myself into next week.
Maybe it's the cough syrup.
~Neon neon neon DUCK
Posted by Neon Duck at 1:54 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Q & A
Q: Do you realize that you should be on more often?
A: Yes, yes i do, and well i'm perfectly fine with that, i'm busy, and i try to make time where i can, but it dosn't always happen.
Q: Are you really that busy?
A: Would this be a serious question? i doubt so. but no, i am not, i just keep busy as such. Do i really have this much to do, often times, yes, other times, no. When i don't have that much to do, i find things and make them important to do inbetween, making my day full of important things.
Q: How is school so far?
A: A reasonable question from this mind? *gasp* anyway, it has been going well, getting to my classes on time, getting my homework done on time, etc. So it is well, although often times i still just want it over with.
Q: What is your favourite song on the playlist at the moment, and do you have any suggestions?
A: Hmm i haven't had a chance to reveiw it, why would i come up with the question if i didn't have an answer? i don't know, but i did. and i do not have any suggestions at the moment, unless you can find Weighty Ghost by Wintersleep, that would be nice. :D
Q:Why are you making this post?
A: Because i feel it needed that i visit in, no matter how busy, and no matter what else there is to get done, i feel it required to stop in at least sometimes and update everyone, even if such can be done to the other authors on facebook.
Q:How can i suggest more questions for your next update?
A: Just send me a message on facebook and if you don't then send me a message on yahoo. ( If no questions are suggested, my updates will continually be like this, rather lame, where i come up with the questions AND answers.
Q: Are you actually doing any reading at all?
A: Yes, why yes i am.
Q: No really, like outside of necessary reading?
A: Yep.
Q: It's over 100 pages long right?
A: no, actually.... YES.
Q: What is said book?
A: World War Z good book, won't be able to finish it though, due at the library in like 8 days, and i'm only like halfish done!
If i get any more questions, i'll post them, if they're BEFORE another post is made, (meaning this is still at the top) then i'll just edit this one and add them in. Otherwise i'll just kinda begin compiling questions, and answer them when i make an update, or if i get a more urgent question.
Posted by dark_athene at 1:13 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 30, 2009
There's so many shades of Black.
Week one.
was all to be expected. Kinda terrible. Individually the days were okay....a few were even great. but taken all together.....well it was bad.
AND THEN Saturday happened....and I learned the unfortunate information that both of my remaining Grandparents are probably not going to make it until Christmas....Alzheimers is the worst way to go. I new this was coming, but it just kinda hit me hard.
Can I just not go to school tomorrow?
Posted by Neon Duck at 10:20 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
First Day (an acurate account)
School started today... yay? Yes: YAY! maybe.... you decide.
Wake up. It's still dark. Roll over and check the clock. It's 3 a.m. Try to go back to sleep, but it doesn't really work. Ponder everything that could go wrong. Turn on iPod. Turn off iPod. Turn it on again. This is the last song, then I'm going to fall asleep. Repeat thought for 12 more songs before actually turning it off. Finally go back to sleep. Wake up again. It's STILL DARK!! Roll over and check the clock. It's 6. Ok, feet on floor. Get dressed. Listen to Sir Spazalot fight with Allie over whether 5:30 is too early to wake up. Brush teeth. Pack lunch. Get backpack. Hear Sir Spazalot ranting about people who use other people's toothbrushes. Run upstairs to make sure it wasn't me. Stop him before he uses MY toothbrush. Make him put on his glasses. Break out the sharpie and write my name on my toothbrush. Grab a glass of OJ.
Bus Stop. Most everyone in the "front" of my neighborhood. No Haley. Ponder. Fight with Allie. Pray not to trip while getting on the bus. Sit by myself, behind Katman and Christain. (They have the Y chromosome so THEY get the bus buddy). Get a text from Hay informing me that she isn't on my bus. Sit with a stranger (ish. i knew her in 6th grade. but only by name).
School. Trip off bus. Collect myself. It's all good. 1st period. English. Yes, Ducky. I DO think the teacher is indeed pregnant. She says the word orange a lot. Take it as a bad omen. Decide to ignore it. 2nd period. BLANNIN!!! I suddenly like today. Remember french stuff, and suprise myself. 3rd period. Bio. Better than last year already. Decide to like the teacher even if she is a little crazy. 4th period. Ceremics. I think this will be epically amazingly awesome. LOVE THE TEACHER!!! She is incredibly cool... For an adult.
Lunch. Asure Leslie that nobody's going to trip her. Quite literally run into a certain blue eyed male. Apologize and say hi. Blush (I think I blushed...) and bask in his smile. Hurry along. Sit with friends. Rant about my smelly orange clarinet case (consider case to be omen?) because mine is in the shop so I'm borrowing. Cassually bring up said blue eyed male. Not-so-casually regret it. LAURA. Find out my apple is rotten. Too bad. Best lunch period imaginable.
5th period. Band. Realize that it's the clarient itself that smells not the case. It's DEFINATLY an omen. 6th period. World Studies. Sit by Christain. Colasante walks in. Ducky walks in. Get ditched by Christain. Sit with a Duck. It's SO MUCH better. :) Alphabetize class. Sit in back with Sarah. 7th period. Algebra. Not crazy about it.
Band. March. It's hot and I feel icky. My clarinet feels ickier. Count hours until I get Artemis back.
Pretty Good Day.
Posted by b2the3 at 3:42 PM 4 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Happy Days... or not.
Hello all.
It is the infamous pookieface=].
I am doing summer homework. Its for a stupid book some of you may have read called Treasure Island. I hated it. The question i am writing for my study guide right now is "Summarize Silvers speech to his men when they were trying to vote him off acting as captain." And i was thinking, and shocker, i could actually relate to it. Here is this man who had had people he knew he could count on, and theyre pretty much stranded on an enemy island. Hes about to lose everything... all his crew, his friends, his only hope off the island.
I, on the other hand, am about to lose all my friends too. You all are going to the spankin new high school and ill be at Davidson: Population 1000. Where i know practically no one. Its like im being stranded in the middle of the ocean. And my only life preservers are Erin, Adam, and Leu. Its really scary.
All im trying to say is this:
Have an amazing time at Bradley.
Let loose and have an awesome 4 years.
But NEVER forget me, because you guys are my best friends in the ENTIRE world. So when you walk into a class and see 3 or 4 other faces smiling at you, faces you have known and gotten to know over the past 2 years, remember that i wish i could be there with you.
When you are planning something, invite me... i dont want to lose touch.
When you have a soccer game, a band concert, a play, anything, tell me about it, and i will make every effort to come.
I already miss you, and i hope you guys are missing me too.
With much love always,
Y pooks. Y
p.s. i love you
haha, didja catch that? i need to see that movie...
Posted by pookieface :] at 12:28 PM 7 comments
Friday, August 14, 2009
So goes life.
So, I was browsing facebook. Exciting life I lead in the summer, is it not? And I happened to see that sidebar of "highlights" we claim we don't look at because it would make us stalkers. Anyway, in this sidebar, a little pink heart catches my eye and I think "so who broke up this week". Because most of the time it's break ups versus get togethers, i mean, right? But then I realize that it's Christian's picture... And he's "in a relationship".
This time last year if I had seen that (assuming I had a facebook back then) I would have thrown myself into the black abyss. I would have died on the inside. I'd have abandoned everything good in life because he found someone better than me.
But you know what? This isn't last year (shocker!) and I, believe it or not, feel nothing on the subject. I don't care! Do you know how good that feels to say? I DON'T CARE! Christian can date whoever he wants and I can be supportive, because it has become blissfully clear that I am over 300% over him. To the point where I can't remember why he was "the only fish in the sea for me". I was such a sad existence back then. I hope things work out better with his new girlfriend. And that isn't sarcasm. I truly give my blessing on their relationship. Even though nobody asked for it and it isn't necessary anyway.
The Blissfully Relived B
Posted by b2the3 at 6:06 PM 6 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Shades of Blue
The truth of the matter
Danced across the liar's lips.
The philosopher may stumble
But the honest man's world slowly slips.
The keys to the kingdom
Fell into the servant's hand.
The skies collapsed which
was unfortunate news for the land.
The colour of the world faded
To a dependable gray
So the night started to gleam
With the hope of a brand new day
Some look to the skies for answers
When in the darkest hour.
So on cloudy days how can
This turn out if we have no power?
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 6:29 PM 4 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Summer is dwindling.
B could give me the exact number of days like the meany she is.
I digress: Summer is dwindling,
And we need to get together.
Just like I need to annotate Of Mice and Men.
There isn't any underline button, this saddens me.
Anyway, I tried to write poetry today...(well, two nights ago I like to keep things present tense so it was today).
And the result was a horrific laughing stock next to some of B's masterpieces.
But I was rather proud of this because it was the fruit of two hours hard work and a sleepless night.
And I think they are lyrics.
They are begging to dance with a melody, Pookie, I need your help.
Because you are starting a band, are you not?
I really want to write songs, and it's killing me that your not here to plunk away on the piano.
When you get back please call me.
Naturally I was writing poetry because my book has been stationary for a month.
Which is annoying.
Just like the fact that summer is dwindling.
Well, I need to go be productive.
I don't remember my point.
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:56 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Farewell, participents in Band.
(Please select Beethoven's Moonlight Sonate on the playlist).
May you enjoy band camp, I'll be here, forever. With Batholomew, my lonely Cello.
Have fun forever, while I watch dust collect on the unfinished cabinets, watch reruns of Scrubs and try and fail to write an acceptable sentence.
Flirt with hot guys forever while I imagine them from books.
I'm in the Orchestra.
Posted by Neon Duck at 8:52 AM 7 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
Do the iPod Shuffle
Ok, guys. In case you hadn't noticed: NO ONE COMMENTS ANYMORE. It makes me sad D: Remember last summer when every post had like 40 comments? Those were the good ol' days. Facebook brutally slaughtered this.
Anyways. I'm just kinda bored, so I'm going to turn my iPod on shuffle and jam. Today, we'll be jammin' to:
- Because of Who You Are by FFH: "The mountain peaks the oceans wide. They speak your name they testify to all that is, and all that was, and all that is to come. You're the great I am; you're the holy one. You're the one and only son of God (God) (God)."
- Look Out by The Monkees: "Look out, here comes tomorrow. That's when I have to chose. How I wish I could barrow someone else's shoes. Mary: oh, what a sweet girl; lips like strawberry pie. Saundra, with the long hair and big curls. Can't make up my mind."
- Bad Reputation by Joan and the Jets: "And a girl can do what she wants to do, and that's what I'm gonna do. And I don't give a damn about my bad reputation. Woah, no. Not me. Never give a damn about my reputation."
- Sandy from Grease: "Stranded at the drive-in. Stranded: a fool. What will they say... Monday at school? Sandy, can't you see I'm in misery? What a way to start. Now we're apart. There's nothin' left for me. Love has flown all alone. I sit and wonder "why-i-i? Oh why?" You left me. Oh, Sandy. Oh, Sandy, baby. Someday when hi-igh school is done. Somehow; someway our two worlds will be one. In heaven forever and ever we will be. Oh, please, say you'll stay. Oh, Sandy."
- Take It On the Run by REO Speedwagon: "Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another: You been messin' around. They say you got a boyfriend. You're out late ev'ry weekend. They're talkin' about you and it's bringin' me down. But I know the neighborhood and talk is cheap when the story is good. And the tales grow taller on down the line. But I'm tellin' you, babe, I don't think it's true babe. And even if it is, it keeps kissin' my mind."
So do the iPod shuffle (if you are an admin: as a new post).
Posted by b2the3 at 4:51 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Neon Duck and Pookie
*Pooks ~Neon
*I just massacared Neons nails.
~With a battle axe.
*Her cuticles were half way up her freakishly short nails.
*Really ND? REALLY?!
~I can feel myself getting...pretty or even *gasp* cute?
*See... I told you!
~I'm MELTING! My nails are an unnatural hue of purple!
* Mine are silver!!! They're sexayyyy!
~We've decided Pooks should shop in the 'sexy' smells in Bath and Body works. I on the other hand shop in the FRESH section, you know a lot about a person by their scent of choice.
* They had Sensual Amber. And something Pomegranate. Its delicious :P
~ Because Pooks uses words like 'delicious' "OH You're looking DELICIOUS today!" Lame.
* Hey miss i- cant- tell- someone- they-look- delicious.... i use "yummy" too. Alex G wrote me an acrostic poem in my yearbook for my name and for the 'y' she put 'YUMMY :]'. So ha. Im the normal one.
~And how did you just win that? I saw no logic. Anyway Franz Ferdinand is the most excelent band I've come across scince Death Cab for Cutie.
*Theyre delicious. Vicious Delicious is a CD title for this AWESOME drugged-out techno band i like called Infected Mushroom. But Franz Ferdinand is REALLY good.
~ Loser. That's the best kind of band, And yes, yes they are.
*Neon Duck looks like a druggie in almost EVERY SINGLE freaking picture. I've only seen like 2 good ones of you. Her. Whatever.
~I know! DM reminds me of that everytime he has his stupid camera, and he refuses to deleate any of the pictures.
*.... You spelled delete wrong...
~Shut up Pooks!
*When you just said that it sounded like "shit up". Can you even do that? I mean really... hmm.
~ That my friend is called constipation. It''s a relitivly common dissorder, wiki it.
* I KNOW WHAT CONSTIPATION IS!!!!!! i was just wondering if you could poop in an upward direction................................................................................................................................... Like, with gravity and everything....................................................................... Maybe ill have to take a dump in space someday.
(We just about peed while i was typing this, btw. Just thought you should know... For posterities sake.)
~ Well you never know these days, though I think you might be referring to upchucking which is even more common than constipation, again, turn to wiki for answers.
~ Well muck is coming out either way you insufferable kitchen knave!
*Well upchuck muck is green, and unless you have a serious condition, i dont think poo is supposed to be that color.
~Can I wiki it?
*NO you lack- brained ninny!
~Well this is a bizzare conversation to be having with a sniviling simpleton such as yourself!
*Ohhh! Pretty alliteration! I didnt know short- panted cur's were that smart. HA!
~Oh, I crave your pardon you PAINTED LADY.
**Gasp* Did you just call me a whore in old English? WTF!?
~What ho! An intelligent painted lady. How did that come to pass?
*Thou hast offended greatly! Eat maggot pie you pribbling swine!!!!!
*... but i dont, do 'it', with donkeys. Youre just a malignant, sod- brained excuse of a life-form.
~As far as you know my dear innocent kitchen swill!
*WOW an insult and a compliment. Such a high achievement for a.... im running out.... nincompoop headed beast... swill... like yourself.
~Rat pellets! I am too, you stuttering beastly oaf squeased into a lady's attire. (that was mean, I totally don't mean it)
* Thou shalt suck rabbits ass ere i speak to you again you clumsy cur shoved into jeans.
~ Ohhhh good one! You rasping codfish, you sneering jabberwock!
*Thou are a grappling dingbat you little brillig knavely utter dissapointment of a duck.
~Hoooooo, I don't feel like being creative anymore you gimpy salamander!
*I do believe i have never been called that before, you disagreeable little toad.
~Large words issuing from such lard. (jezzz I'm running out of good ones.)
*Oh um okay you nasty peice of pale, sickly flesh. (Yeah me too. Lets stop.)
~As your fellow piece of pale sickly flesh I call it a truce. *Bows respectfully* T'was fought valliantly my good friend.
*Why thank you *Bows also* And i must say you have a rather large vocabulary for a brightly colored waterfowl.
~And you aswell for such a miscellaniously named creature such as yourself.
* Props accepted. I hope you viewers... Happy and Livy and B and DM... had fun reading this. The next time i see you peasants be sure you are prepared to get a mouthful. From us. Duh.
~YEs, you can expect such intilectual quotes from pooks as above.
* WhatEVER. Im tired of being creative. *dreamily* I just want to be a regular teenaged girl.
~What's the fun in that?
~Neon Duck
Posted by pookieface :] at 8:06 PM 5 comments
Sunday, July 19, 2009
"The being known as Wonder Girl is speaking I believe. It's not easy trying to tell her that I shortly have to leave." -The Monkees
Off to camp. Love ya lots. That's why I'm falling off of earth's edge.
See ya in a week,
Posted by b2the3 at 8:16 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 17, 2009
the third person narrative.
~The Neon Duck is going through a very odd time.
~Where she can't do anything useful.
~She doesn't feel the need to write.
~Half the time she she doesn't practise cello.
"Frick!" She exclaimed while writing this on her trusty blog, "Is it Friday already?" contemplating that she really needs to practise and doesn't feel the need to, which brought her back to the blogging.
So The Neon Duck continued to blog about the incredible lack of meaning her days have come to posses.
She stopped thinking about this while she absently listened to her Aunt cooking downstairs.
Then she wonders if this has anything to do with writing, she plays with the idea of starting a new story for the umpteenth time since she had the annoying conversation with her sister the day before in which Emily failed to be helpful and inadvertently insulted every fiber that The Neon Duck enjoyed about herself.
But no matter, The Neon Duck moves on to contemplating how her sister became so unhelpful, so uninterested. Duck withdraws from these thoughts not wanting to know the answer with an irking suspicion in the back of her mind.
At least, she thinks, at least I still feel the need to read, seeing as, thanks to b my summer reading list is growing daily.
She also ponders that it really is preposterous to talk about her own life in third person because it is too boring to use a narritative voice.
So she bid farewell to her friends and signed off, thinking that she really needed to get the the root (or multiple roots) of her problems.
Posted by Neon Duck at 3:23 PM 6 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
NigaHiga strikes again....
Best Twilight spoof ever.
I mean, ya gotta give him props. :]
I LOOOOOOOVE the baseball scene, and i swear, the guy looks alottttt like kellan on my crappy computer. but dude, the epic-est Alice pitch ever.
sorry i cant figure out the video box...
Posted by pookieface :] at 2:09 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Summers... They go by too quickly :[
Man, i havent done anything very social in a while.... I didnt see any of you at the fireworks. I mostly hung out with Liz (my cousin), ashley and corey. This is why, if you havent heard, me and HappyCload are planning a trip to the zoo somethime this week... or next. I havent talked to her in a while though. Also, are we still planning on doing a joint party (me, Neon and TheGirlWhosObsessedWithTwilight) sometime in late July? It has to be then, because i leave like, August 5th or something for a trip out west. I really should be calling people, but i was already on the computer... you know how it is. (Gah, i have gymnastics in like, a half hour... crap im so not ready!) So anyway, i miss seeing all of you! Ill call you guys soon..... if i dont forget. ;]
Love ya, Pooks
Posted by pookieface :] at 7:13 AM 3 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Slacker face!
~hey B, why don't you post on your other blog? mmmm? wednesday past deary.
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:08 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
This week's main activities:
Pig Roast Float Design
Progress: Almost Complete
Status: Epic!
Marching Band
Progress: Two days until we march in the parade on the 4th
Status: Epic Fail! :(
So yeah. Over 50 people in the band. I was the ONLY one to get called out on my own to be taught how to march by THREE (count 'em: 1, 2, 3!) different people. "Gee, making B look like an idiot because she couldn't keep a beat if she were a clock has been to easy lately. Let's make it a sport!" That sport is called "Marching Band". Don't get me wrong, I'm sticking with it. But when it takes 2 leaders and a field comander to get a beat in my head and I still didn't get it, SML. Screw My Life.
B is for Bumbling Idiot
Posted by b2the3 at 5:56 PM 7 comments
Friday, June 26, 2009
B's Word of the Week
The word of the week this week is (drum roll please!!!) VEGEMITE!!!
According to Wikipedia.Org, (my favorite site ever! It's almost as randomly useful as I am!) Vegemite: "is a dark brown food paste made from yeast extract, used mainly as a spread on sandwiches, toast and cracker biscuits, as well as a filling of pastries like Cheesymite scroll, in Australia. It is similar to British and New Zealand Marmite and to Swiss Cenovis."
According to, Vegemite can be defined as: an Australian vegetable extract used as a flavoring or spread.
According to B's Brain the PROPER definiation follows:
Vegemite (VEH-jah-mite): n disgusting brown goo that falls somewhere between Nutella (hazelnut stuff), gravy, and peanut butter.
I hope this clears up any vegemite inquiries that you may have. I realize I was a little heavy on the hyperlinks, please forgive.
Posted by b2the3 at 8:16 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Statements that need to be said.
There are a few statements that don't get said very often by humans today, and if we did use them we would all become better communicates. Think of it as a promise that I will use these in future, and I hope the rest of humanity will too.
So, here we go:
~I'm having a really sucky day, you would do well not to talk to me.- because sometimes we just shouldn't be talked to
~I'm mad at you (irritated, frustrated, infuriated, incensed) - because everyone hides their feelings.
~You are a good person (You are a talented person, you are a pretty person) - I think everyone should hear an honestly earnest compliment every once and a while.
~I am content -seriously everyone always want something, or someone or something else, what if we all just sat back with the contentedness that comes when we let go of wants.
~May the force be with you - it's seriously a very helpful quote, and it's only used in very small social circles.
~I need help - a clear plead for help in the dark works magic
~I'm sorry - too often are conflicts resolved with meaningless words, another good one is 'I was at fault'
~Music- when we're happy why can't we just burst into song?
~Neon Duck
Posted by Neon Duck at 12:46 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Yeah uhm.. Hey!
Uhm i just wanted you all to know that i never really left. XD i've always been here. checking in. Surprised you guys didn't figure that out.. yeah, never left. =D always been here. comments have been raging recently. yeah i just don't listen to the playlist for the record =D i just listen to different music than you guys.
Posted by dark_athene at 3:51 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
On a Musical Note:
Hehe. I was punny.
Suggestions are always open for the playlist. Just as a reminder. Plus, if there's some super annoying song you want removed, we can have a vote or something. Opps! I just double posted. Too bad.
Posted by b2the3 at 7:06 PM 4 comments
Speaking "Car"
So, for those of you who are unaware, my sister has had her temps since March. I know, I'm suprised y'all are still alive, too. Anyways, I've picked up some hilliarious lingo my parentals like to use to get her to do the right stuff behind the wheel. I thought I might share a few of my favorites along with their secret meanings:
- Curb Alert!!: Your sister is about to flip this car on its side by hitting the side of the street
- Lane Gutter (i.e. "Get out of the lane gutter!" actually this one is my dad only.): The space between two lanes that could possibly get us t-boned
- Gas it!: We are going 40 mph on the freeway (where if you don't want to get killed you better be at least going 60)
- GO!: the defination seems fairly oblvious, but sissy dear has yet to catch on that when my mom/dad say "GO!" they actually mean to step on the gas pedal
- Reaching over to take the steering wheel (this is an action, by the way, not a phrase): Allison, you're being totally incompetant (what else is new?). Let me fix this. (it never ceases to scare me when she does this.)
Needless to say, I'd rather not put my life in Allie's hands any time soon (again), because most of the time somebody is yelling one or more of these things. HELP!
A Frightened Little Bumble B
Posted by b2the3 at 6:32 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
DAMN IT B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah okay, I admit it, a full bloody 2 minutes after the bet. do you want money now or later? Just don't draw it out...I'm pathetic enough already.
I'm not going to cry, B, but this is going to hurt more than I've let myself believe.
Posted by Neon Duck at 7:37 PM 15 comments
Must there be a reason? No.
Hey people. So there's really no point to this post, I just feel like I havn't posted anything recently. Just wanted to inform you about what's going on in my life right now.
~Got the most awesome pair of chucks EVER! (hopefully I'll get a picture of them up soon, they're way to hard to know what? I'll just do it now... ... ...)
~So there they are. I hope that photo is in the right spot. I've obviously never uploaded a photo before, it's sad I know. So, do you like 'em? I do. I guess I better since they were $60. Converse are the best shoes ever, but they're so dang expensive!
~Drove three hours in my mom's tiny car with my sister, her boyfriend, and his sister. Not. Fun.
~ Dropped them off at Cedar Point and then laughed because it was cold and raining.
~ The manager at Journeys told us his whole life story while we were checking out. No wonder he works there, he never finished college. You know, it really amazes me how people will tell a complete stranger everythin about themselves...
~ "Squirrels don't eat chocolate!"
~ Spent three hours going through music for Pookie and I'm still only on the fifth CD. I hope you're happy Pooks!
~ Went to an informal party thing to meet the Bradley clarinets. We watched Phantom of the Opera (since that's our band show). The whole thing was fun, but slightly akward. And does anyone else think Raoul is an idiot in that movie?
~ "Never again will I look at sinks the same..."
~ Watched a bit of youtube because I was waiting for my sister to stop reading so I could finish a movie, and found this hillarious guy, Shane Dawson. Go to He is so freaking funny, it acually made me laugh. Not like when people text lol but arn't really laughing. I hate that. I was cracking up at his videos. Warning: He does cuss a lot and likes using the F word, and is inappropriate(sp?) at times. But if you don't mind that kind of stuff then you'll love his videos. Just thought I would share that.
~ I've been through a whole case of Sunkist within the past three days.
~ June 24th, Neon...June 24th...
~"Um, you can't eat that you're on a diet." "Screw the diet! This is America!"
~ Do you find it creepy that my sister made a Sim version of herself and her boyfriend, had them get married and then have four children named Caden, Adam, Sterling, and Scarlet? I do.
~ Got Capital camp on Monday (haha, I almost spelled that 'Munday') and I'm so not ready for auditions yet...great.
~ I should be practicing for that insted ( there an 'a' in insted...instead?...) of being on this blog, but I couldn't resist after I saw B saying how awesome it is now on facebook. She was right. It's sweet. Awesome job B.
~ I have to go finish Nightmere on Elm Street, I've got to say, I'm a little disipointed with it so far.
- Peace, Love, No Twilight! ~HappyCload~
~ God, I love this little squiggly key if you havn't noticed! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Posted by HappyCload at 5:22 PM 6 comments