Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Q & A

Q: Do you realize that you should be on more often?
A: Yes, yes i do, and well i'm perfectly fine with that, i'm busy, and i try to make time where i can, but it dosn't always happen.

Q: Are you really that busy?
A: Would this be a serious question? i doubt so. but no, i am not, i just keep busy as such. Do i really have this much to do, often times, yes, other times, no. When i don't have that much to do, i find things and make them important to do inbetween, making my day full of important things.

Q: How is school so far?
A: A reasonable question from this mind? *gasp* anyway, it has been going well, getting to my classes on time, getting my homework done on time, etc. So it is well, although often times i still just want it over with.

Q: What is your favourite song on the playlist at the moment, and do you have any suggestions?
A: Hmm i haven't had a chance to reveiw it, why would i come up with the question if i didn't have an answer? i don't know, but i did. and i do not have any suggestions at the moment, unless you can find Weighty Ghost by Wintersleep, that would be nice. :D

Q:Why are you making this post?
A: Because i feel it needed that i visit in, no matter how busy, and no matter what else there is to get done, i feel it required to stop in at least sometimes and update everyone, even if such can be done to the other authors on facebook.

Q:How can i suggest more questions for your next update?
A: Just send me a message on facebook and if you don't then send me a message on yahoo. ( If no questions are suggested, my updates will continually be like this, rather lame, where i come up with the questions AND answers.

Q: Are you actually doing any reading at all?
A: Yes, why yes i am.
Q: No really, like outside of necessary reading?
A: Yep.
Q: It's over 100 pages long right?
A: no, actually.... YES.
Q: What is said book?
A: World War Z good book, won't be able to finish it though, due at the library in like 8 days, and i'm only like halfish done!

If i get any more questions, i'll post them, if they're BEFORE another post is made, (meaning this is still at the top) then i'll just edit this one and add them in. Otherwise i'll just kinda begin compiling questions, and answer them when i make an update, or if i get a more urgent question.


pookieface :] said...

Nice to talk to you again DM :] and wow, reading??? im pleasantly surprized.

dark_athene said...

I know right? xD even though i'll probably not finish it in time. ._. on well i should go re-reserve it about now. xD

Neon Duck said...

world war Z? Is this the same book I'm thinking about? Zombie envolvment?

pookieface :] said...

I still want to read that zombie pride and prejudice!

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

I still can't post on the blog just saying and it's been what like 3 years O.o

pookieface :] said...

umm, ike 1 and a half.