Thursday, July 2, 2009


This week's main activities:

Pig Roast Float Design
Progress: Almost Complete
Status: Epic!

Marching Band
Progress: Two days until we march in the parade on the 4th
Status: Epic Fail! :(

So yeah. Over 50 people in the band. I was the ONLY one to get called out on my own to be taught how to march by THREE (count 'em: 1, 2, 3!) different people. "Gee, making B look like an idiot because she couldn't keep a beat if she were a clock has been to easy lately. Let's make it a sport!" That sport is called "Marching Band". Don't get me wrong, I'm sticking with it. But when it takes 2 leaders and a field comander to get a beat in my head and I still didn't get it, SML. Screw My Life.

B is for Bumbling Idiot


Anonymous said...

It can't be that bad...

Neon Duck said...

oh B....I really don't know what to say. You are correct though, that sucks through and through, perhaps L can cheer you up...she's the other bandee in this outfit. But I do know something that will make you warm and fuzzy inside....July 14th....or July 13th at 12:00 PM.....come on, you have to be smiling now, I've desided to do a marathon on July 13th, so call me cuz we need to work stuff out. Hang in there B, nothing is as bad as it seems

b2the3 said...

Except that it is. I was "asked" not to play in the parade. Yeah. I'm still marching, just not playing beacause I make it "About a million times harder when I try to do both." My mom told Mrs. Galvin my section leader told me that and now Kelly's gonna eat me alive. And yes, the thought of the movie marathon DOES make me smile. Livy is beside me and she can vouge for my point here.

Neon Duck said...


b2the3 said...

"asked" is code for "told to".

Neon Duck said...

oh, yes that's obvious now. I am sorry, but there are other things in life.

pookieface :] said...

its not vouge... (thats the fashion mag) its VOUCHE. just fyi. and i saw you in the parade... everyone was great!