Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What happened to this year?!? It's going SO fast! I miss you, Linz!
If anybody wants to pop over to the rec center by the west pool (wasn't it just last week we were lounging our summer away there?) on Sunday, we'll be having a puppet show there at 4.
I officially fell compentant. I totally got the Algerbra 2 test aced! SOOOOO HAPPY!! See what studing can do? I, like, UNDERSTAND it. And that's, like, WOAH.
I just realized I'm typing like I talk. I need to lay off the "like"s and the "I know right"s. I say them a little too often.
I wore make-up today. It was a 2-hour late start and then we spent the first hour of school out side for an emergency pepper spray evacuation. Apparently, the girl who set it off went to my elementary school, but she's a year older than me, so I don't know her.
I think that Jesse may just be the KING OF THE PERVES. Although, come to think of it, the DUKE (Wellman) runs a pretty close second. I usually walk out of lunch with them and you'd be surprised how many times they use the word "thrust" and how many times I have to use the word "CREEEEEPERS!". They must have their moments, other wise I wouldn't hang with them as much.
I'm slowly be corrupted.
WinterFest tomorrow. :)



pookieface :] said...

awww B!!!! I miss you too! i had this really cool post for yester day and i made like snowflakes falling at the top out of these * but when i posted it got all messed up, so i took it off. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new background by the way.
Im so happy that youre doing well in Algebra! i think that i really understand this section and will hopefully ace this quiz on friday because i definately need it. I have a C. :[ and Erin has like, an A and so i might switch classes next semester... im starting to consider it. Cause all A's and a C in the class i work my ass off in is just not fair.
And i would love to come to your puppet thing, ill see what i have going on. Text me everyday about it tho so i remember.
Awww, Jesse.... yeah hes a total perv... but really funny. I miss him. Tell him i said hi!

b2the3 said...

k. the background needs a little work, but it should be all smoothed out by tomorrow. I have like 80% in Algebra, because last quiz just kicked my butt. It was awfull. But it's coming back up!! :)

Neon Duck said...

yes, king and duke, I'm really puttinig some thought into moving lunch tables, I would come to your concert but I have orchestra performances.

b2the3 said...

i think they're backing off the anatomy lessons a little bit. or maybe it's because the archbishop (will) wasn't here today...

pookieface :] said...

haha oh boy, ya learn something new everyday dont ya?! Well, i think that if its getting toooooo dirty you should move, we cant have that many dirty minds in our group! or else all you would hear is "Thats what she said..."

I have a quiz today, and i have been working my butt off studying for it. So im really really hoping it will come back up.

Neon Duck said...

Yeah, we may move, today wasn't so bad though....I'm sure it'll help, hehe Archbishop.