Tuesday, September 22, 2009

211th Post. And I stole it :]

I had my first voice lesson and Mrs. Quint was really impressed with my voice and stuff. :] It was really good!!!!!

I forgot my phone at home though..... :[

Im getting fat... i eat a giant cookie at lunch every day so i think i should stop... haha i dont work out enough to not have to worry bout that. I did do some conditioning last night. I can never finish at gym so i am trying to do it here. Bleh.

Homecoming is Oct. 3rd. I dont have any potential dates unless Mickey moves back within the next week. Long story. Remind me and i'll tell you about it on Friday. Im such a flirt! Good Lordy!

Well, i dont really have anything else to say at the moment... Love you guyssssss!

Hope its good at Bradley, even though i know that it mostly is cause i talked to ND on the phone like, yesterday.





Neon Duck said...

of course Cloady isn't reading this. I'm gald your voice lesson went well. But of course she liked your voice, it IS amazing. OLIVIA has a date. MAN our numbers of single ladies may be dwindling.

pookieface :] said...

Well thank youuu! AND WHO IS OLIVA GOING WITH? IS SHE GOING OUT WITH HIM? Man, being single sucks! Hey, you know, you could always just ask some random guys in the hall until you get a date... hey, thats not that bad of an idea.... Maybe i should!!!

b2the3 said...

linzpinz, are you ASKING for stalkers??? I think she's just going with Diego (GO DIEGO GO!) for homecoming. and being single isn't all bad, I mean at homecoming you can dance with anyone you want and not just the guy who asked you and turned out to be a complete jerk anyway. So... yeah.

pookieface :] said...

Good point... memories of formal now. :] and she said yes to diego?! oh man! i though it was going to be some soccer hottie like one of the Joes or something. well i guess diego isnt bad though...

Neon Duck said...

pish, becca, do really think any one's going to ASK us to dance? I've SEEEN Prince charming get stomped to death by his steed, Prince Charming IS NO MORE.

(TRANSLATION: There is no fellow gallent enough or brave enough, but by all means hope, I know I am.)

pookieface :] said...

pish abby, someone will totally ask you to dance. Ill just dance with adam again, that was easy and not all that akward. Slow danceing is the best cause you dont have to do like, anything.