Saturday, October 24, 2009

singing joy, enough to go round, enough to go round and around and around

~I hope you bandies had fun at the skull session, sorry I didn't come, I swear I'll come to one of your concerts.

~Speaking of concerts......the orchestra's is this Tuesday at 7ish if you want to come I can get the details. Come hang with Tom, Haybug Tumnus and me! A little bird says we sound amazing. If anything you can just laugh at our really stupid uniforms....lolz Tom looks like a bubbly 007 +D

~And if you want to live high, live high. If you want to live low live low. Cuz there's a million ways to go, you know that there are.

~Spent the night at Pookie's house...Sniff I already miss her.

~I am doing more or less NOTHING this weekend...except for making Haybug cupcakes. So call me if you want to hang.

~I'm starting to feel, we stayed together out of fear of dying alone.

~I love you all!



HappyCload said...

The skull session went really well. Peaople said we sounded really good...except for me. Because as soon as we finished played our first song a huge peice of my instrument came off and I lost the screw (it was like three whole buttons) so I couldn't play at all. It was still cool though. Except for the fac that we had to get up as early as we would on a school day. That really sucked. Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. I will probably be going to that, if I don't have a lot of homework or anything, because I have band that night until 5:00...but I'll really try to come. Song from the commercial Abby? Really? Anyways, what are we doing for halloween???

Neon Duck said...

Aw. That is NOT cool...It's still sounded like a good time, except for the getting up early. Oh please do come! CAT STEVENS! And b and I are doing trick or treat so tots can eat on thursday what day does your neighborhood do that.

b2the3 said...

i can go 2 that!!!

haley's be super hypocritical and to be honest, i'm a little fed up with it.

I totally didn't know that about Matilda (i named it for you!! because "charmagne" is a stupid name for a girl clarinet), but i hope she gets well soon. :)

Neon Duck said...

Thanks B! what's the deal with haley?

b2the3 said...

no biggie, she's just being a jerk. her other friends are more important than me, i guess. i talked to her and she says she didn't realize she was treating me that way, but i don't know that i believe it. i don't really care anymore. i don't like kelly and angela and they don't like me, so she can have them and i'll be with my other friends. they just weren't there last night, so i was really lonely, but i'm over it.

Neon Duck said...

I'm sorry I wasn't there! I would have hung with you, cuz ur cool. Didn't Garret hang with you?

pookieface :] said...

I already miss you too!!!! And i found out that i have 2 essays due tomorrow, (monday) i just started and am at a mind blank and its 9:00 on sunday. Im going to really really really try to be there tuesday... I am so excited to hear you guys play!

Sorry to hear about the whole haley issue, but tell her i said hi please cause i still miss her too!

pookieface :] said...

Oh by the way, love love LOVE the one on your post that says "Im starting to feel we stayed together out of fear of dying alone". Is it a lyric?

My mom and dad are pissing me off, i asked them about trick or treating, and my mom was like "no way. You have practice and we're paying for it so you need to go." My argument is that after season starts on saturday i will have no time to do anything EVER for practically the next 3 months. So they were supposed to talk about it and ill let you guys know the verdict as soon as i find out. If i can go, Superhero theme? i call superman/ supergirl :]

Neon Duck said...

Thanks! It is a lyric Deathcab for Cutie's You can do better than me. Good song. B and I are doing the charity thing so I don't know, Ribble's gunna kill me.

pookieface :] said...

I CAN GO! Wait where is trick or treat so tots can eat at? and also.... Dana ditched on Erin and so i was talking to Liv last night and i was wondering if you guys would be okay with erin coming with us? I can call everyone tonight but i just feel bad for her and also if i didn't go with you i would have wanted to go with her anyway... So thoughts please!

Neon Duck said...

To trick or treat? Well laura and liv are refusing to come with b and I don't know who you want to go with. B and I are going to Garrett's neighborhood. Erin can come, and why did dana ditch her?

b2the3 said...

OOOooooOOOO.... DRAMA!! lol. i'm so pysched about the alice in wonderland theme. SO glad that my mom already had a dress, cause there's no way i'll finish in time.

pookieface :] said...

haha nice b. and idk why danas being weird, but i havent heard from laura about erin coming, i do know that liv is fine with it though.

Neon Duck said...

okay, I know B, right?!?! I'm almost finished sewing on the hearts and the dress (While watching an american tail! which was awesome!) And I am so excited.

UGh I have homework today. ajv,lhadflLWF

pookieface :] said...

i want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!