Saturday, December 5, 2009


Im supposed to be doing homework. Instead ive been reading about Art Lane. I saw a picture and almost started crying, I've seen him in the halls everyday, he was always smiling and surrounded by friends, but not in a stuck up way. Ive been reading so much stuff, and it makes me truely sad. There have been so many deaths in central ohio this week, and they, their family and friends are all in my prayers. Go Davidson, win States for Art.


Neon Duck said...

I just don't understand happenings like this...just...why? What's the point of a teenager dying? Anyone dying? How does this tie in at all? How will that make a difference?

Guess we just have to trust the higher power here.

pookieface :] said...

Yeah i know. People at school are so queit today its so weird. in choir we had a whoe room of girls and it was silent the entire time, other than the girls that knew him and Mrs. Long were all crying. He was in choir ya know. The boys had to come in to our room and get boxes of tissues since like, all of them were crying. People just walk through the halls like zombies with tears streaming down their faces. I feel horrible that i dont feel that horrible, when tons of people are so depressed and upset about it. I feel so bad for the family (his dad committed suicide 3 years ago, and he has no brothers or sisters) but i never like, was friends with him or even really met him so its not as sad for me. I am wearing an Art pin tho- Blue ribbon with ART written on it.
Im so glad that we won States!!!!! I talked to Jack this morning and he said that it was so hard for them to go out and play, but that they didi it for Art. He was bawling like a baby afterwards he said. Pretty much the whole team was cause it was such a bittersweet victory.

pookieface :] said...
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Neon Duck said...

that's so sad.

b2the3 said...

my friend molly was like really close to him or something. the way she talks about him really says a lot. he IS really impacting everyone.

pookieface :] said...

Oh my God i know, his death has had such a huge impact on our whole school. They found out it was suicide by the way. Apparently he was like really depressed because he asked Coach White if he could go to States with the team and just be on the field that day and the coach had said "no, we dont want you representing our team" and all this stuff and so he just didnt move when he heard the train. And also, Laura U said that his favorite song had the lyric "and i died on the train tracks tonight" in it. Is so freaking sad! And 3 of my teachers had him, and they are just complete messes. Same with a lot of the students. And a train went by in second per. today and i could see it out the window, and i almost puked. Same with this morning, i was walking to the bus and i heard the train whistle from a couple streets over and teared up and got really dizzy and stuff. and every time we go over the train tracks next to Davidson i feel queasy... and thats 2x a day.

pookieface :] said...

by the wayyyy... i think we need more christmas music on here!

Neon Duck said...

I'm sorry linz, that's a lot to take. Call me if you need to talk about anything, or just to catch up.
Love you deary.


pookieface :] said...

I was going to call you yesterday just to chat but i watched Phineas and Ferb instead :]