Thursday, March 31, 2011


OH hey, didn't see ya there, my name is Liv and I'm here to tell you about how I'm losing my mind. I thought I had found it for awhile there but I seem to have misplaced it again. My stuffed animals say that haven't seen it but I think they're lying, you can never trust a stuffed bear, they're tricky. I'm still searching for my mind and haven't been able to get any help looking for it, so if you see it can you let me know? Thanks :]

P.S. Soo I was wondering if we should call each other by code names still because I don't know what to do when I want to mention you guys and then I freak out because I don't know what to do and it just doesn't end well. I wasn't sure if we're being ninja top secret or not so I didn't want to risk slipping information about your where abouts or something onto the web. SO yeaaaaah.

Chaco <3

Monday, March 28, 2011


So this weekend I went to state thesbian confrence. So many cute guys. Most of them were gay. Mediocer acting in general Awesome friends with me Evens out. Oh and apparently magic sleepy pills are the panacea to my life. Thanks doc. That's all, DUCKY. PS Pretty in pink was a good movie. But I was partially brain dead when I saw it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I don't like this kid.

Here are the top ten reasons I don't like my stand partner, Max (who should be in Juvie.)

  1. He got expelled and weasled his way back in to school.
  2. He looks like Gollum (LotR).
  3. "Eewww! Allison!!!! The freshman is hitting on me again!!" -me
  4. I've been told (from TILDA obviously) that I have very soft hands. Creepy much?
  5. He may or may not play the tuba better than me. I wouldn't know because he NEVER really plays.
  6. His favorite hobby as far as I can tell is dead baby jokes. Which are sick and disturbing.
  7. He has this habit of not bringing his music and then writing ALL OVER mine.
  8. I REALLY do not like this kid. His aura is like-- have you ever not put enough chocolate syrup in the glass when trying to make chocolate milk? yeah that color.
  10. He doesn't shut up about that one time, in the 7th grade, when he was 1st chair trumpet before switching to tuba. As though I believe it. They only recruit the last chairs for low brass. Thats how I got there.

Friday, March 4, 2011

LOVE her voice!

I LOOOOOVE this girls voice and the song is pretty good too. I feel like if we ever do music we should make music videos like this.
OSU in the morning. Allison REALLLY wants to go there, but I have NO CLUE where I want to go. at all.


p.s. like the new layout?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hey, Sup?

ok, so i made and awesome ladder and anyone who comments on this post goes up and automatic 2 points! and that's kinda a big deal cause, you know, Jesus is a 10.

10= Most Excellent
9= More than usually Excellent
8= Excellent
7= SOOOOOO close to Excellent
6= Totally Rad
5= Pretty much Rad
4= Somewhere between Rad and Bogus
3= Kinda Bogus
2= Bogus!!!
1= More than usually Bogus!

ok, so personally I'm a 7.5 and this scale (and placing everyone I know (ok, some people i know) on it) took me pretty much all day at school. When I wasn't pretending to learn.

OH! and I have TWO pregnant teachers now. JUST like last year. And I'm calling it right now: Mrs. Horne will be pregnant again next year. Just a hunch.

ok, love and stuff!