Friday, August 14, 2009

So goes life.

So, I was browsing facebook. Exciting life I lead in the summer, is it not? And I happened to see that sidebar of "highlights" we claim we don't look at because it would make us stalkers. Anyway, in this sidebar, a little pink heart catches my eye and I think "so who broke up this week". Because most of the time it's break ups versus get togethers, i mean, right? But then I realize that it's Christian's picture... And he's "in a relationship".

This time last year if I had seen that (assuming I had a facebook back then) I would have thrown myself into the black abyss. I would have died on the inside. I'd have abandoned everything good in life because he found someone better than me.

But you know what? This isn't last year (shocker!) and I, believe it or not, feel nothing on the subject. I don't care! Do you know how good that feels to say? I DON'T CARE! Christian can date whoever he wants and I can be supportive, because it has become blissfully clear that I am over 300% over him. To the point where I can't remember why he was "the only fish in the sea for me". I was such a sad existence back then. I hope things work out better with his new girlfriend. And that isn't sarcasm. I truly give my blessing on their relationship. Even though nobody asked for it and it isn't necessary anyway.

The Blissfully Relived B


pookieface :] said...

That is truley awesome b! Isnt finally getting over a guy the one of the best feelings ever?! trust me... i definately know!

Neon Duck said...

yeah you! I think you an I should be the single unattatched great people. MEANING I'M NOT DATING MY "SOUL MATE".

b2the3 said...

meh. :P.
and btw... we had an awesome triple pwn on christian... it was great.
ducky: so, i heard you were dating kayla... how'd THAT happen?
christian: *mumbles*
hay: didn't you hear? they "ASKED EACH OTHER".
b: why didn't you just ask dean to do it for you?

Neon Duck said...

+D most triumphant.

pookieface :] said...

that sounds awesome.
poor christian. you do know that like all his other boy friends call him 'chris' right?

b2the3 said...

yeah. i was one of the founders of said nickname. josh and i insisted on calling him that in 6th grade because it bugged him, but i guess he's grown to like it. its better than "nindy" which is what his sister calls him.