Sunday, August 23, 2009

Happy Days... or not.

Hello all.

It is the infamous pookieface=].

I am doing summer homework. Its for a stupid book some of you may have read called Treasure Island. I hated it. The question i am writing for my study guide right now is "Summarize Silvers speech to his men when they were trying to vote him off acting as captain." And i was thinking, and shocker, i could actually relate to it. Here is this man who had had people he knew he could count on, and theyre pretty much stranded on an enemy island. Hes about to lose everything... all his crew, his friends, his only hope off the island.

I, on the other hand, am about to lose all my friends too. You all are going to the spankin new high school and ill be at Davidson: Population 1000. Where i know practically no one. Its like im being stranded in the middle of the ocean. And my only life preservers are Erin, Adam, and Leu. Its really scary.

All im trying to say is this:

Have an amazing time at Bradley.

Let loose and have an awesome 4 years.

But NEVER forget me, because you guys are my best friends in the ENTIRE world. So when you walk into a class and see 3 or 4 other faces smiling at you, faces you have known and gotten to know over the past 2 years, remember that i wish i could be there with you.

When you are planning something, invite me... i dont want to lose touch.

When you have a soccer game, a band concert, a play, anything, tell me about it, and i will make every effort to come.

I already miss you, and i hope you guys are missing me too.

With much love always,

Y pooks. Y

p.s. i love you

haha, didja catch that? i need to see that movie...



b2the3 said...

AWWWWW!!!! POOKS!!! I love you, too! We'll still have the blog! I hope. if cload and livs ever check it.
speaking of livs, (I'm keeping you in the circle!), she has currently two offers for a relationship. and school hasn't started yet... you must be rubbing off on her because she has recently become a guy magnet! and lauradora and i are pretty much preserved. I feel like i haven't seen you in forever!

Neon Duck said...

That was wonderful, Pooks. TEll me when you have a concert or something like that too! How did I not know this about Liv? And good luck with your summer work. pooks, Davidson will be awesome, I mean your theatre program is sweet! I'll call you and stuff, and make sure you update the blog every week. Love ya!

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

Awww pooks that last entry almost made me cry i <3 u!! O and srry i havent posted in awhile =( anyways like becca said i have had 2 people ask me out which is really crazy cause in all my life before this year only 1 kid had asked me out and he had known me 4 like 3 years and he asked me out over the phone so this is all reaaaaalllly crazy to me O.o

pookieface :] said...

All i want to know is WHO?!?!?!?! i know elliot is one... and see? my guy craziness helps in the long run! :]

Stuart Little in October (maybe auditioning)
Fools in November (auditioning)
Almost, Maine in January (want to but cant, ill have gumnastics in the winter)
Radium Girls in february(probably... depends when gymnastics ends.)
Wizard of Oz -Spring Musical (Auditioning. Might not do track because of it. Shocker right?!)

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

guess what i dont think elliot likes me anymore cause on facebook it sasys he in a relationship no more awkwardness yay =)

pookieface :] said...

Yay you!!!!!!!!!!! adam asked out marissa by the way.... keep it on the dl, but she hung up on him. He wont talk to her. She feels reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally really bad.

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

awwww that sucks he knows she doesnt like him like that =(