Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Ok, thanks mom, i heart u. Ok, now seriously, why don't they have a Kid's Day? They have Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparent's Day......... So yeah. I mean, my mom would say "Honey, everyday is Kid's Day. We do a lot of stuff for you." I know, but it's not like, special it's normal.
Well, anyway, i made her a card (using one of the pictures i took) on Kodak EasyShare, and got her a shveet spinny frame and put her other 2 favorite pictures i took in there so she can have some color in her office. So yeah. (Jeeze, i say that a lot, dont i?)
I am alisurdgqipuergb p9sh dsiufh (translation: Bored, and feel the sudden urge to type random things on the key board using my forehead, which now really hurts.)
I wonder if this : ) will turn into a smiley face..... let's find out... :) (Yes, No, idk?)
Quote Of The Day: Everyone wishes their grass was emo, that way it would cut itself.
~*pookieface=]*~ (future pro photographer)
P.S. Does anyone else think that golf and baseball are the most retarded sports in the world?


Anonymous said...

i fiiiiiiinally found ur blog & now i can comment!!!! LUV THE QUOTE!!!lol, my mom was Bing all serious & then i started cracking up so now shes mad. ;P

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice Lidnsay!!
I like ur Kid's Day comment becasue I so agree!!
Well the other part of that was hard to read but it was cool and nerdy!! bye :)