Friday, May 9, 2008

Hey dere!

Hey Gooys! Its pookieface=] formerly known as Fanggurly!!!!!!! so yeah, ummm, lets start off with some facts about moi. I totally heart Fang from Maximum Ride, and do not fear, i totally heart real peeps too. in fact, yesterday night i was very depressed because of something my friend told me about this totally hottttt guy that i like. He's a drummer so as my BFF Neon Ducky would say: w0000000000000t! (o God, I killed it didnt I?) so anyway, I also am a chatterbox, and i actually consiederd that for my 'name' on here. My favorite station on the radio is RadioU and my iPod is full of bands like Relient K, Family Force 5, Haste The Day, Paramore, and about a ton others like that. I am also confuzzling at times, and dont make any sense, espesially if Im typing.
I went to DQ after school today and it was kinda boring, cuz i didnt have any money. But oh well, a few of my friends went with me, so it was ok, and then we went and watched our track team practice for invitationals.
If you -yes you, the person with their eyes glued to the computer screen like an idiot- have read Max Ride books, then chack out my stories on Type Fanggurly into the search engine, there or on Google or something.


Anonymous said...

Ok, Ducky or B. How come Drak Matter and Pookieface get to blog on here and I don't?!?!?!? That's so not fair...that's... ... HappyCload..scism. Yeah that's right. What ever happened to B's deal huh? I question you guys...

Anonymous said...

I feel very left out...

~*HappyCload*~ :(

pookieface :] said...

i heart u happy. u should b getting an invitation soon.... i think.