Sunday, May 18, 2008

Kitty-Catty! Meorrrww!

So, I know we usually write light-hearted funny stuff on here, and that's cool and all, but I kinda wanna blog about a little bit more serious stuff than usual, k? If you're not into that sorta stuff, Skip this.
We were baby sitting Friday for a bunch of kids. All different ages but mainly fourth-graders. OMG!!! They were sooo Catty!!! and arrogant! and they reeked of Aeropostal. (BTW, if you like aeropostal, sorry but that makes you reallly loser-ish in my book).
I got to thinking.... Was I like that in 4th grade? All "all authority figures just THINK they're cool." "what EVER it is you're doing, I want no part in it!" "Let's have a vote. All in favor of listen to the lame-o sitter say 'Aye'. Oh, no one? That's what I thought. So who wants to hit her with a baseball bat? (AYE!!!!)"
I think the Neon Duck put it well in saying "It was like my own personal *insert four letter cuss word thats not really a cuss word but what the hay, I'm B here*!!!"
Fourth -Grade Girls Suck!!
Oh, and if you are one, being rude is sooo not the equivalent of being cool, K?
And if you know a fourth grade girl that's cool, have her meet the Friday Night Heck-squad. It could be nothing less than a good experience.



Anonymous said...

I SO agrE!!My bros in 4th grade & wen i went 2 pick him up from skool w/ my mom last wEk all the grls were just like 'yeah, we r way 2 cool 2 care about NE1 but ourselves'....& they were all wearing AE or aeropostale stuff & i was just like uuggh!!!i was only in the same room as them 4 like 2min. but that was enuff 2 drive me CRAZY!!!!NEway...happy stuff, butterflies & ponies & ranbows ;)
dont let those grls get 2 u B!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I guess that was kinda serious in B's own unique, funny kinda way. You know, I could have read that without it having your name and still know that you wrote that. Anyways...I agree. I know a 1st grader that has a boyfirend. I was babysitting her once and he came to her house. Of course, I opened the door thinking it was just some little neighbor kid selling popcorn or something...but then Logan(The first grader I was babysitting) was ALL OVER HIM! She was all like, "Hey Laura, this is my BF *Insert name of your chioce*! He can come in right? He comes over ALL the time." And then withought my permission, in he strolls like he owns the place. They ran into the living room. I slowly shut the door, still wondering who the heck this kid was, and then walked to the living room. Right when I walked in to tell the punk that he had to leave because there were no parents here, I walked in on them making out on the couch. I literaly picked him up by his tiny arms and practically threw him outside. He hates me now, but hey! That was one picture I coulld have lived my whole life withought seeing! Well probably not, since sexually active 1st graders seem to be apperaing more often. Oh you all know it's true, nasty little Elementry kids. (Lol EMW) Sorry. Funny...insider. But I know some little kids that think there all that. Like they are so much better than the older kids. But not all little kids are like that. There are the few rare decent little kids that acually cherish their childhood like normal boys and girls. And no offence, but I don't think you should judge people on brand names. I wear Aero sometimes and I know a lot of people that wear brand names and aren't stuck up jerks. So, you can't really say that all people that wear brand names are jerks. I know a lot of people that have to buy their clothes from places like that because they run very small sizes and slims and stuff. Sometimes I have trouble finding jeans that fit me. I have to buys most of my jeans at places like that. Plus, most places like that have clothes that just fit nicely. I guess it just depends on your body shape. I know that sounds wierd, but it's true. Well, this post has gotten really long, so I'm gonna stop now.
