Friday, May 16, 2008

Flamming Dilly Bars.

I haven't blogged in a while because there wasn't much to rant or spaz over, or nothing of interest, but now I have one that relates to my favorite motto; If it's not flaming it's not worth throwing. True words indeed. Soooo B and I have a ton of plans this summer, all of which include flame, Before we die we are totally going to light a Dilly bar on fire and send it hurtling through the air, Along with many other numerious random objects. Ohhhh yeah, we've got plans.

~Neon Duck *Quack*

PS I bet you don't hav any cool plans for the summer


Anonymous said...

Your right, I don't have any plans. But I have to say, I need to be part of the flaming dillybar thing. Because I was three when it happened. Acually, our whole science table (Minus tommato) should tie C.C. to a tree and throw flaming dillybars at him. You have no idea how much enjoyment I would get out of that. Wow, that sounds kinda vicious now that I think about it....oh well...



Anonymous said...

Lol. Third sentence from above comment; ment to say, "I was THERE when it happened." Not that I was three. lol.


Anonymous said...

lol!!We should do that and throw in some flaming pencils!

Anonymous said...

OH! Flaming and pointy!!!


pookieface :] said...

Ahhh, yes, the more pain the better. I hate C.C.