Sunday, June 15, 2008

Top Five Reasons

Top Five Reasons:
I'm mad at Earth

  1. My Weekend activity was 30 hour famine. I didn't eat for 30 hours to support World Vision's World Hunger Relief Fund, so I spent most of Friday and Saturday at my church. My week has been REALLY long, so I kept randomly falling asleep. Once in a chair, a pew, the floor (2 times there)... etc.
  2. While asleep, my buddies duct taped my head to these random places. I had to rip the tape off and it realllly hurt.
  3. Speaking of hurt... I had to delete a comment today. It was posted by Happy Cload and I felt it was very inappropriate. I really didn't ever want to have to do that, but the post was really hurtful and I was losing sleep thinking one of my friends could be so cruel to another one of my friends.
  4. I am pretty sure that I will get blown up at by a not-so-happy cload.
  5. I am still really tired and can't go to sleep for fear my sister may have duct tape.

That's all Folks,



cady said...

Ah well. That sucks. Bummer.

pookieface :] said...

im so sorry that u had such a terrible weekend. i sympathise.
I dont think that u should have deleted HC's comment becuz she was just exspressing her opinion like ND was expressing hers but only a little bit 'franker'. just like im stating my opinion. but watevs. me and ND were like, 'oh, b must have deleted it. oooookkkk....' o well, watevvvvvvvvvvs. becuz if HC hurt somebody's feelings, lots more peeps could be offended by ND's veiws on politics, cuz she's like, VERY democratic, and I'm a republican but can handle other peeps veiws as well, but SOME people are like, strictly Rep. and would be very offended. just seyin. not to offend u or anything, u made a good choice. HC could have worded that in a less hurtful way.


b2the3 said...

Pardon me, but saying ND hasn't the campasity to feel anything can't be put in a non-hurtful way. The thing is, nobody has been personally attacked by one of ND's rants. For instance, she hasn't been saying anything bad about Rebublicans as a whole, just a few I'm sure she wouldn't like f they were registered, say independant? Or whatever. But HC's post was personally attacking a person she knows will read it and also really showed no rue. I'm dropping the subject, I just wanted to justify the action.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I just got on the blog, and I havn't been on for like...ever. So someone please tell me what I said! I have no idea what post your talking about! Someone please enlighten me! I'M SO DANG CONFUSED! I'm sure I didn't MEAN to be hurtful to someone else! I don't even know which post it is! TELL ME!

Your now very sad, confused friend *hopefully*,


Anonymous said...

I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Ok, really people. I really don't remember what I had posted. I was probably really sugar high or really tired or something. But obiously you guys are mad at me, so that's no excuse for what I must have said. I'm really sorry if anything I said offended anyone in any way. I'm sure I didn't mean it in a hurtful way. So, I'm really really really sorry.


Anonymous said...

wow, this is like a soup opera or a drama tv happens next? Is HP forgiven was it all a huge missunderstanding stay tuned to find out

Anonymous said...

oops i wrote soup opera