Sunday, June 22, 2008

On to a lighter subject....


So. As official keeper of the peace...(B THAT is irony, okay? Your quest is over.) I am changing the subject from the soap opera, and it won't be a rant because that started something ugly last time.

I am suffering from moderate writers block. I'm kinda ticked at my head. I mean it's not my fault I think slower than my brain does. It's hard to be me I mean it's pathetic that my last statement no, my second to last statement makes perfect sense to me but you all will have me commited.

Wow off base, so my writers block, I'm editing my first book cuz the snow ball that is my story is stuck in mud and I'm stuck under it. w00t a form of metaphor.

SO the only reason I'm blogging and or monologuing is because I have writers block and I can't stand listening to my own thoughts skating around my head and saying rude things to me any more.

I am home all by myself (except for Pandora who is squawking somewhat loudly.) because my people are going to the art museum to look at quilts. Yeah, hot date eh? SO this is going nowhere but I don't know what I'm going to do next. I could take a nap but then I'd get that weird metallic taste in my mouth and then it would just be bad.

Oh does talent come at the price of modesty? Because I have never met a talented AND modest person, unless there talent is modesty HOW am I supost to recognize THAT?!?!

SO anyway what brought that up was I'm at an orcdork camp (There's always room for
CELL-O! w0000t!) and all of the talented musicians are highly big headed, it tends to aggravate.

So I am shutting up and you can go on your merry way and I will listen to my thoughts mocking me. Thank you.

Out of here to go no where

~Neon Duck.


pookieface :] said...

I write sins not tragidies! ye-ah!

ok, ummmm, that was veeeeery eenteresting.(urpost)
IM DYING MY HAIR BLUE TONIGHT!!!!!! we already bought the stuff.

lookie, i wrote: pig, a, ah, gab, eh, sid, jafa, ew, via,go,ow, ha, hue, end, AND si. HAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Wait, I thought you were going somewhere to get your blue streak. Like at a salon or something. Oh well. That ought to be jk jk jk. Hope that works out for ya!


Avion said...

hey sorry im in a rush. thx for comenting on my blog

Anonymous said...

ok pooks u have 2 post a picture of that or something