Monday, June 9, 2008

New Song/ Gymnastics

OMG!OMG!OMG! I just found a really cool song by Linkin Park. Its called

Leave Out All The Rest.

I reeeeeally like it! I havent looked up the words yet, but that is so going on my iPod.

Anyway, gymnastics. I had it for three hours today and it was really hard, but really fun. Ducky, you should do it! so yeah. There's this amazing little 10 year old from China who had only done a roundoff backhandspring before and now shes working on roundoff 2 [backhandsprings] or roundoff backhandspring back tuck. which is what i'm working on. That little overachiever! So yeah.

Sorry i havent blogged in a while... ive been bored.

'Oz' was supposed to babysit my little sibs while i was at gymnastics today but he showed up an hour and a haff late. Sp he stayed for a while after i got back and was like felling so bad about it! it was kinda funny! so we were talking and stuff and playing heart and soul or that one thing on the piano and he has like, thumbophobia or something. he kept using every finger intstead of his thumb and it was cracking me up!!! so yeah, dont tell him i was blogging about him being late. he'll probly be like "you did WHAT!" and kill me, but y'know.
