Monday, June 9, 2008

Ohhh yes, I'm back.


So technically I haven't been gone long but I haven't ranted in like forever, so you have that to look forward to in like a paragraph, but first:

Pooks, why would I want to do the gymnastics thing with preps that have annoying useless talents that I don't? What? Do I just want to like curb stomp my self esteem? I mean It's like w00t! I'm gunna go be bad at something right next to someone who isn't! If I wanted that I'd screw up my mind set and be anorexic. Sorry, but there it is. I would have put this in a comment but my computer was being twitchy.

SO to the really fun part!

So apparently Obama and Hilary had a 'secret' meeting that everyone knew about. I mean it kinda gave away he was picking her for a candidate, or else what would the oh- so-important meeting be about? Obama powning her into next week? THAT would be interesting. Oh! TO the next round of goodies THE COUNTRY GOT CHUCKED IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT OF DOOM this week, w00t I'm just ecstatic about being american. SO the gas prices rose employment sunk, and this is really random but two generations from now we'll all still be paying of some idiots cough BUSH cough use of our money. Well kookookatcho, I am pumped to be alive as half of the country is experiencing major flooding and the rest is frying on the pavement, but wait, Summer hasn't even started yet!

Ok I'm done ranting and possibly offending my fellow humans. A lighter topic is promised, no not promised, in sight on the very distant horizon...

~Neon Duck.


pookieface :] said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
pookieface :] said...

haha! u always mek me feel betr. =]

in a friendly way....

b2the3 said...

Happy, That was reallly mean and inappropreate. I'm sorry but I won't stand to have that published.

Anonymous said...

Ok, really people. I really don't remember what I had posted. I was probably really sugar high or really tired or something. But obiously you guys are mad at me, so that's no excuse for what I must have said. I'm really sorry if anything I said offended anyone in any way. I'm sure I didn't mean it in a hurtful way. So, I'm really really really sorry.
