Sunday, June 6, 2010

Well boys and girls:

So depression returns...on the first week of break?!? Really?

I'm sorry your parents don't trust you MB, mine don't really either.

I'll miss you, b and haybug. Go save the world +)

What is wrong with me? I had everything together yesterday.

I guess I'll go write some crap songs....or like sleep this off....maybe hang with Bart.....

What is wrong with me?


Anonymous said...

Abby... What the hell? What is this unexplained depression?

pookieface :] said...

she gets depressed sometimes. ABBY YOU SHOLDA CALLED ME.well i might not have answereed because i was sleeping cause i didnt really feel good...

Neon Duck said...

It's okay. I feel a little better today. It's kinda sad that the first time I'm left alone with nothing but my own head I lose it. YOu're learning quite a lot MB, B gets boy crazy I get depressed...aren't we just facinating specimens?

Anonymous said...

Actually, yes. These are very interesting turns of events. However, as mentally unstable as I am, I am very helpful with emotional problems and want you to know that you can always talk to me.

b2the3 said...

i'm not boy crazy!!!
wait... yeah i am. :) feel better. kentucky was hell and i love you!