Sunday, June 13, 2010

i need a hug

kentucky was hell. nobody talked to me the whole time. i was so alone. AND i forgot stamps so i did write to you guys, but they wouldn't get any where with out postage. didn't make it to saana's because i passed out the second i got home and no one woke me up. i had to deal with cassie jo drama alllllllllllll day. i have three people outwardly hate me (FOR NO REASON!!!!!) and an entire youth group inwardly pity me. grrrrrg. and mr. o wants me to switch instruments... again. not baritone. sousaphone. because christain said no. i thought i was back in love with ocean blue, but then he was a jerk to me so i hate myself and him sooooooooo much. would someone come steal me away because unless i get ME out of my head i may explode.
i love you guys.


Anonymous said...

B, I know exactly how you feel. Just don't hate yourself 'cause, at least, you got me. I may not be much, but I'm something.

b2the3 said...

you're the best. :) i wish that i wasn't such a softie, though. it makes it much too easy for people to walk all over me.

Neon Duck said...

BECCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!! YOU'VE GOT A FRIEND IN ME! I'm so sorry you had a relapse, those suck royally. Becca, just know you don't HAVE to do anything. You don't HAVE to go to youthgroup. You don't HAVE to put up with every body's shit you don't HAVE to listen to anyone. And you should NEVER hate yourself, because you're awesome!

pookieface :] said...

imj really really really sorry your mission trip was miserable for you. i wish i coulda been there to give you a hug. and i agree with abby. you should come to my youth group if you want to, its really awesome and fun :] and never ever hate yourself. maybe you should go on a BOYcott until you can find yourself a man! thats what im doing :] and you have 6 best friends right here who will stick with you no matter what.

Consider yourself hugged by moi :]

b2the3 said...

thanks! i love you guys and linz, that boycott idea sounds really good right now. :)
basically i just hated the fact that i could spend five months TOTALLY getting over him and with four days and a great smile he could win me over again. grrrg. i wish that you guys could have been there.

Neon Duck said...

BOYcot! I love it! DO IT DO IT! Boys are like coughdrops, there's nice to have around when you need them.

pookieface :] said...

omg that quote totally made my night!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Boys are like coughdrops"?! Not that I don't agree with you, but I thought of a COMpletely different reason.