Monday, June 7, 2010

first day of summeeeeeer!

yes, that is pronounced suh-meeeeeeeer ;]
ahhhhhhhhhh you do not understand how tired i am! for the past 2 days pretty much all i've done is sleep and read, and im getting sick. Yeah, crazy right? im pretty sure its my bodys way of saying "hey! Lindsey doenst have anything she has to do anymore, and she still doesnt have a life, so lets make every cell ache and get sick!" Thanks, body. and i feed you so well... haha :] omg im like so loopy right now....

(MW can skip this next part if he desires)
Liv, i thought of you today, i was bra shopping and found this one that looks like you. you know what i mean. i didnt buy it though...

OMG! im reading Percy Jackson, and im on Sea Of Monsters right now.... its so goooooood! and then Kates got mad at me because shes been reading it for weeks and i was reading it just today and im farther than her and now shes all mad because she says she never gets to finish books before me, which is only partially true, and told me to not read it before she finishes it. But it will take her forever! she doesnt even like reading! and theres 6 (right ND?) books in the series so am i going to have to wait for her to finish all of those too?!?!?! ugh :/

i love you alllllll and miss alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll of youuuuuus so we should hang when im better and not all crazy in the walnut :]
<3 Pook!e!kooP <3


HappyCload said...

...crazy in the walnut? ...I don't think that's a real saying. And yeah, we have to hang out before I go to Florida!

Neon Duck said...

WE DO NEED TO HANG! and there's only 5 books.

Anonymous said...

Nice to know you consider my opinion when writing pooks.

pookieface :] said...

of course! i consider everyoneeee! :] and ohh, only 5? bummers. and im so sorry i was sickk!!!!!!!!!!

b2the3 said...

percy jackson is so addictive!!! i was disappointed in the movie, though :(