Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm feeling a little nostalgic, I just watched Toy Story 3. IT was very good....but a little dark, for pixar.

Ums, 5 days left of summer gym! 5 days left of gym period! THEN I CAN GET AS FAT AS I WANT WITH NO GYM TEACHER TO ANSWER TO!

My sense of humor is coming back!

I"m getting all sorts of things accomplished!

But I miss seeing you all together.

I believe a hang out is in order.

I went to FYE and blew all my money on music (MY ONE WEAKNESS)

Music of the Minute:
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
Airbourne Toxic Event
The Mountain Goats

I've been a crazy British drama rampage! ONE BBC MINISERIES AFTER ANOTHER AND ANOTHER!


Loving summer!

Not too much music being written, but wait! I've been working on a piano part for shades of blue.

SO that is all.



HappyCload said...

Sounds like you're having fun. As soon as I get back I really want to see all of you guys, I miss you! Oh, and are you using the tune for Shades of Blue we figured out at Lindsey's, or something different? Have you figured out the music for any of the rest of the song yet?

pookieface :] said...

ugh i've had a really crappy night. i miss all of you guys so much and i definately second the idea of a hang out. and abbs, what are you doing for your birthday? do you want to do like a joint sweet 16? its okay if you dont i was just wondering cause i have no ideas for mine.
i cant wait to hear it, and i wrote a new song tonight too that i can preview for you guys soon, but i need an exceptional pianist and a violin/ possibly cello player for the finished product.

dude, my word verification thing is 'metalica' no joke.

Neon Duck said...

Yeah I'm using you tune you figured out, but I think I'm rewriting the verses, but I haven't gotten around to that yet. That would be cool. I wasn't planning on doing much but that would be fine. And I know a few violinests, but consider the viola, don't play the favorite. And I'm your girl for possible cello as you know. NICE I never get words.

Anonymous said...

I don't get any references used in this blog post.

b2the3 said...

i want to hang!! lets get this together!!!! ok. i think shades of blue should be a little slower than what i heard earlier, but idk. i wish i knew who those bands were. oh, well. i'm sure they're deeply fabulous.

Neon Duck said...

It's okay MB, no one does. and b google google google!