Tuesday, October 7, 2008

what a great line...

HEY!!! im supposed to be typing my essay... screw that. I found this song called "kill the director" by the british band The Wombats... i love the opening 2ish lines... it goes like so:
I've found someone that makes me feel seasick,
Oh, what a skill to have, what a skill have
So many skills to have that make a distinctive....
something something blah blah blah...

It's a great song really!!!
so anyway... i've been making friends with the feral kitten that lives under our deck. I fed it ice cream last night. And my mother is making it all skittish by touching it and it will jump away and then come back a couple minutes later. We feed it, and it comes in our house, and will get close to us, but we havn't exactly been able to pet it yet. We need to get it fixed though, cuz we dont want a kajillion baby kittens. Well i do, but you know. Im allergic, so we can't have that can we?
Dang. I think im going to have surgery when im older that will get rid of my allergies. Becuz i LOVE cats. Im really not that muck of a dog person, unless they're small. :]

So yeah.... i should probably finish typing. ugh.
u know, i really kinda hate the name pookieface.... i might change it... anyone know how??


dark_athene said...

no idea sorry. and wow that was.... wow lol there is a surgery to get rid of allergies? or do u just want one? i love cats to i has one and im allergic to it =P

Dibsy said...

Teddyface? ;D

Neon Duck said...

LOL!!!!!! TEDDY FACE?!?!! AH AH! ROFL! I thougth your cat hated u DM? Didn;t it beat you up?

Anonymous said...

LOL! OH MY GOD! *Falls on floor laughing* ....ok, so I didn't LITERALLY fall on the floor...but you know what I mean. Anyways...DM getting beat up by *Laughs some more* Ahh, I can totally see that happening. DM running around the house while his cat is mercilessly chasing him. He trips and falls on his beloved laptop and the cat pounces on him....and...uh...claws..him? Idk. What do cats do? My cats really zen. It doesn't do much...hmm...but anyways. Sorry about that, I totally had a sugar rush or something....I'm good now. Oh yeah, when I was walking to my bus after school today, I found a blue i-pod shuffle on the curb of the sidewalk, so I picked it up and took it with me. (Dont freak! I'm gonna turn it in tomorrow) And it's obviously a girls, because it has little stickers on the back. But it's all rap music and crap. But just finding it made me even more mad about losing MY i-pod. Because I would want someone to turn in MINE if THEY found it. But this is middle school, so I really don't expect to see it ever again. Which my mom is totally gonna kill me for. Ugh. Save me the misery.


dark_athene said...

1. my cat is old and fat so it dont count cuase he dont atack me...
2. sadly, i don't have a laptop...
3. shoulda kept it... you shoulda kept it...

Unknown said...

Yo, HappyCload, one thing about ipods is that they're over rated. Which is why I didn't invest over forty dollars in mine.

ipods have tiny screens, each gigabyte costs about fifty dollars,
and I can get better for less.

Neon Duck said...

Wow, you guys take a loonggg time to say stuff I can't commenet on...DM, like in 4th grade didn't your cat beat you up?

Dibsy said...

really? how'd it feel? As said by many a man,

"It hurts so GOOD!"

Unknown said...

i love kitties. they're awesome. we had one but it didn't like my sister (with good reason) so mom got rid of it. =[

anyways, i'm pretty sure you can change your name by clicking on that edit your profile thing.

Unknown said...

Oh, and pooks, thanks about what you said on my blog.

I'm pretty sure that you could write awesomely, it's just a thing that takes time for some people, I mean, two years ago I wrote like Tom Clancy with a bad hangover any a broken wrist.

You'll get better

Neon Duck said...

HA, that was funny. (Ment to sound like Luna Lovegood for all those who actually live up to there geek cred.)

pookieface :] said...

cool, thanks guys.

Neon Duck said...

*Bashful smile* Well actually it kinda made up for....other things. But yeah! NO FALLS AND I WAS IN THE TOP 4 SPOT! And not to mention a frapin' good scale.

Dibsy said...

I'm baaaaaaack! :D Missed me?

Dibsy said...

Oh I guess not. D:
