Thursday, October 9, 2008


I'm sad cuase i want mu coffe how do you spell coffe? coffee? wow thanks spell check lol and appearantly loll is a word... but anyway this makes me sad i wanted my coffee... and SOMONE!!!!! forgot mai coffee, well the coffee that they owed me. i wants mai coffee this is a reminder by the way so its not very long. This is ment with all respect =D i was just a bit cranky.


Unknown said...


now I want a pepsi...

dark_athene said...

XD and by the way i ment this will all possible respect B2the3

Dibsy said...

what does coffee taste like?

dark_athene said...

-gasp- -shakes head-...

Dibsy said...

I mean what does starbucks coffee taste like?
(cause normal coffeetastes like evil poo to me)

b2the3 said...

I hope that the hot chockee with mini marshemellows were suffesient for u

Neon Duck said...

you all are annoyingly dependent on such frifalities. And I don't know how to speeeel that, CURSE YOU DM!

dark_athene said...

XD well yesh it was =D ill have your cup back clean on monday

Dibsy said...

ND, I need your help.

Neon Duck said...

That's what I'm sometimes here for, I'm rather fair weathered though, what situation could be bad enough that you think my 'help' would actually help?

pookieface :] said...

DUDE!! uve never had starbucks?????? thers one right over next to me, and i go there ALLL the time. ..... well at least when i have money. ;] but i love there lattes in the winter, but i get frappacinos all the time in the summer. THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!! go get one. NOW!

Neon Duck said...

Um, I imagine coffe is coffe.

Dibsy said...

Starbucks is going to close down some of it's stores, especially the ones that are close together. ENJOY THEM WHILE YOU CAN POOKS!

Neon Duck, I'm running for school secratary-what speech do you think I can make?

Neon Duck said...

I HATE YOU ALL SO VOTE FOR ME BECAUSE CHANCES ARE...I HATE YOU THE LEAST AMOUNT, YOu actually have a student body? We might of had one but I imagine rebels like me tore them down.

YOu could do a traditional politian and bash the other party so much you don't get around to your own faults.

OR If that's not appealing you can just make uneducated statements that SOUND educated, no ones going to check.

SO even though it is against my principles to help with the government I'll see what I can do, because I care that much.


I am running for secratary because I am an orginized individual, (I'm asuming that's true, why do you want to be secretary? WHAt;s the glory in that?) I belive that with my powers of organization and my trusty sidekick the stapler, I can end all suffering.

Alright I'll be serious,

Hi, my name is insert name here, and I have always loved this school and all it stands for. THe student government should be made up of self-starting, caring individuals, to maintain the long standing quality of our school, when I am elected I will be orgainized and give one hundred ten percent, I will always go the extra mile and will make sure the job given to me is done.

When you say it act like you really care and do a McCain and get in their faces and get all earnist and creepiness. Also put emphasis on words like 'WILL' and 'I'. Also you could be compleatly sarcastic and they won't know the difference. Why did you ask me, anyway?

Dibsy said...

'Cause I knew asking you would make me rofl. Which it did. Thanks for the help, ND.

Oh, dude I'm in elemantary school...


b2the3 said...

hmmm.... depends on what's in it for me... oatmeal chocolate chip cookies i hope. Ahem:

My name is Dibsy. I love my school and I want to show it to the world. I love (insert school name here) students and I love that they want to make a difference. I, Dibsy, alos want to make a difference. Vote for me as your school secretary because I will support positive change and always make sure that there is a stpler on (insert teachers name here)'s desk!!!! Vote froe Dibsy, vote for change and office supplies!!!

Dibsy said...

Wow, B. Thanks a lot, that was identical to ND's. I'll give you half an oatmeal cookie.


Unknown said...

Ok, we went from Coffee to Politics, so here's what I would say if I were a coffee/energy drink/caffeine addict.

Hello, all you students of (school name here), I'm running for secretary
and you should care because I LIKE COFFEE!!!!Do you like coffee, I like coffee because coffee is goods! Do you know what I also like, I like energy drinks, why do I like them? THEY ARE GOOOOOD!!
Wait, why am I here? I don't have to be here and I'm leaving because I'm better that all of you and I'm Homeskool!!

That's what I would say in that situation and I would complete that entire speech in 1.5 seconds in true caffeine junkie style.


Anonymous said...

Dibsy, u fotgot me. So therefor, im leaning towards not helping you in your politicail rampage.


Anonymous said...

Lol. totally ment forgot in that last post. Geez, I can't spell worth my life.


Neon Duck said...

hee, I thought mine was the best...

Dibsy said...

Personally, ND's was the funniest, B's made me want to **headdesk myself** and Heat Sig dude had the unfortunate luck of telling me this when I needed to go to the bathroom.

Cloady, I'm so sowwy for forgetting, but you've been so unrecent! D: Please help me with my rampage and I give you an oatmeal cookie!!! A FULL one!

Anonymous said... u want a serious one? Or a funny one. Because I think I could dp both.\


Neon Duck said...

SO when do you get all speachy on the student body?

Dibsy said...


Both, please, Cloady. If one of my friends weren't going up against me for secratary, I would have agreed with ND and trashed the other candidate. Sadly I cannot. (sighs)

Neon Duck said...

Ah, no luck, sorry about that.

b2the3 said...

Let's try again, shall we?
Dibsy for secetary (take 2)
Ask not what your school can do for you... no that's not it... I'm running a campain based onthe issues... one more try... OK! Here we go:
My name is Dibsy. And I obviously want to be the class secretary. Twenty years from now, are you going to remember who you voted for? Probably not. But I will. YOu have the power to make a lasting impression on my life. I, Dibsy, am not a conventional person and I would not run a conventional office, but isn't that what change is about? being unconventional? I'm ready for change. I just have one question to ask: ARE YOU READY FOR CHANGE?

Dibsy said...

Ahhh... Too bad my school doesn't know what the word uncoventional means. (because neither do I) ^^"

Neon Duck said...

Nobody told me there would be days like theese. (John Lennon song, make no mistake about it.)

Dibsy said...

What does uncoverntional mean?