Saturday, October 4, 2008


I'm watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's Saturday at exactly 9:47. April's in danger (VERY NEW CONCEPT LET ME TELL YOU.) and now Rafiel and the human I forget the name of are trying to get her back. Ohhhhh and something about a terrible engagement ring that's turning her into a monster. What my question is is where are the other 3 turtles.Ohhh April's a monster now....awww ANOTHER COMMERCIAL BREAK?!?! WHy do they do tthhhat? Did you know they still sell hulk masks? This is truly a great way to spend Saturday mornings. Nerf really has out done itself, I hope B isn't missing this episode, it really is juicy. WHO cares about the channel 4 news channel?! Ohh it's back. YEAH the rest of the Turtles are back! Ohhh we can't hurt the April monster. w00t midair shoot out! They have pretty good sarcasm in the middle of combat. Random bad guy got chucked in the river. The human needs better dialoge, Oh yea April's back to being weak again, it's all over now, and diangilo didn;t get any good lines. ANd now and annoing cliff hanger,




dark_athene said...

wow... really? that was absoloutly great i wish i had woken up in time to see it... and they really still sell hulk masks?

Unknown said...

As for the Hulk Masks,yes. All that I watched this morning was a couple of shows on The History Channel called UFO Files and Monster Quest.

Wright Patterson AF base,blah blah blah, 50 foot long squid(OOOOHHHHH!).

Neon Duck said...

Yeah, DM, really, and the gloves and everything, It was a blast from someone elses past, since my neibor had them. Tehe, we where power rangers half the time. w00t.

Ohh I love the history channel, and all the randomness along with it.

b2the3 said...

The human in the Jack the Ripper mask? Casey. Yeah right, as if i'd miss TMNT. (cue theme song) Teenage Munant Ninja Turtles!!!!(music off)

Anonymous said...

*Akward silence and crickets* ...I don't know what to say to that...


Neon Duck said...

Casy right! I Love the theme song and so did you catch WHY CAsey and April are engaged, he's like a thug. I'd totally take michail angalo over him. WHEN IT DOUBT: DATE THE MUTANT REPTILE.

b2the3 said...

I know!!!! April and Mikey? Nah. He's funny but, Rafiale has a purple stick of justice!!!

Neon Duck said...

haha, What's the blue ones name?

Dibsy said...

Dig da new profile picco, ND.

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

leonardo i think?..

cady said...

And so it goes.

I like people who can act, too. They're usually basically nice and funny people who are also very good liars and a little stuck up.

Neon Duck said...

oh that;s so true.

pookieface :] said...

hahaha, that is totally me. well when i have more than 10 sec. to think of a good lie anyway... :]

Neon Duck said...

Pish, fast thinking is kinda key, I can lie really well, most of you probebly don;t think I lie...

pookieface :] said...

oooooo, i know u lie.... just i never know when. well sometimes i do.
Gawd, Mrs. Muzzaluppo is so freakin gullible. that is not a good trait in a teacher if u want discipline in a classroom like she does.

Dibsy said...

Mrs. Muzzaluppo?? >.< What a lamo namo. Rhymes with Hullabulloo.