Monday, May 31, 2010

what i did this weekend

exams. are. ruining. my. life.


i got tired of studing. so i started playing disney songs on the piano. it was a good way to forget about french. and how i failed at algebra on friday. god. longest weekend ever. have i told you lately that i love you? i've blushing in my dreams trying to forget how much i miss his voice. not that it matters. i had actually sucessfully forgotten totally about him (the guy i met in willy wonka) until two weeks ago at which point he inadvertantly has made all my hard work worthless. i get a little tired and out comes the drama! haha. i just kinda want to fast forward to being some where far far away for the summer where i can just sit and think and not have my aunt terry be any where in proximity. i hate her. any one want to trade families?

ok. breathing.
gonna sleep it off.


Neon Duck said...

B! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ALL WEEKEND?!?!?! Exams are ruining mine too no worries. This summer is going to be epic though....I will see to that. And don't's perfectly human to like cute and talented boys b.

b2the3 said...

locked in my room? except for yesterday when i got dragged off to nana's to sit through the hell that ensues with every family get-together. i have an iron will when it comes my grudge with my stupid aunt. and he is cute... SO cute. it doesn't feel human. it feels like i'm making a ginormous idiot of myself.

pookieface :] said...

wait wait wait is this cupcake austin? was he in WW? i forget.... and YOU SHOULD MOVE IN WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

say, has our dear ducky told you shes gonna try and set me up with gare bear? hahaha :]

Anonymous said...

I've never seen an angsty, lustful Becca before...

Neon Duck said...

Well b I'm sorry the whole family thing doesn't work out too well...mine can be like that.....b do you have his number is he on facebook? when was the last time you talked to him?

b2the3 said...

um... february?
linz: cupcake austin disappeared! i haven't seen him since midterms. i think he moved. :( but no this is a different guy.