Sunday, May 23, 2010

Middle School!

Hey, so I know that I just posted a video last night, but I'm really bored and I finially finished this one after working on it for a few weeks. Yes weeks, I had to find all these pictures through other peoples facebooks and it took forever. Oh yeah, I didn't say this on the other video, but make sure you turn of the music on the bottom of the blog before watching this. And I don't know why, but the pictures get kind of pixelated when I convert them, so sorry. I hope you still like it! I know making this brought back some pretty good memories for me.


Neon Duck said...

Wow that was great! Wonderful job! Those were incredible times but to be perfectly honest I don't really miss it. I miss the people but not the days...what do you guys think?

Anonymous said...

Wow... I envy you guys.

pookieface :] said...

i miss the people, and the days. its all kinda like a blur now though. which makes me really sad. its like a blur of awesome memories with the most random memories that stick our so vividly it was like it was yesterday. i love that video. and guess what! in most of those pics, ND didnt look like she was high! go figure!

Neon Duck said...

w000t! I win!

pookieface :] said...

for sureeeee! haha :]

Anonymous said...

I miss being able to hug you guys whenever I felt like it :( I miss you guys in general! Middle school will probably end up being the years in America I remember most fondly after I move. I MISS YOU ALL!!!!


HappyCload said...

Aww! We miss you too Saana! I wish I could be there for your party! I miss all you guys that went to Davidson so much!

pookieface :] said...

saana, what if i dont have lunch with makenzie next year?! what am i gonna do?! no more spaztic eating or "pahties in the potty!" ahhhh i will miss you so much!

and Happy, its a good thig you miss us, were awesome. not that i have a giant ego or anything:]

HappyCload said...

No, of course not, lol.

pookieface :] said...

heyyyy! its not my fault im just awesome!