Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Another Tragedy

So. Yesterday, if you havent heard, a junior at Davidson, Rico Butler, drowned in a quarry. It was the UA one right next to my house. he was there messing around with friends and i guess he got swept under by a current and drowned. Our school is a wreck.


Anonymous said...

I heard about that. Did you know him?

Anonymous said...

"Our school is a wreck" is an understatement. Our school is hanging on by a thread and I don't know how much longer that's going to last with exams next week and the added stress and pressure of there. But we'll get through it together I guess.

pookieface :] said...

i dodnt know him personally, but i'd seen him around at track and stuff. He seemed like a great guy, always laughing and having fun.
Yeah, its so horrible, and exams are going to make it so much worse. Everything is still soooooo quiet all day. This is like the worst possible ending the year could have.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. I've experienced bad school year endings myself.