Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sweedish fish

We left this house at about 6:30 today. we went to the store to get abbys sister something. and we went around the store and grabbed some gum. Next to the gum was The sweedish fish but my mother didn't see them. I later mentioned them and abby may remember them. It is a 30.4 oz bag of sweedish fish. IT IS SICKENING! i love them its just they are just sick.... We got them and they are sitting in a bag i may bring some to school in a bag. We decided we are having an intervention, which my sister claims she jokes about more then most people would think, but if you knew her you would beleive her. anyway We now have a 30.4 oz bag of sweedish fish. It is the most nasty thing. last time we ended up with less then 1/10 of the full bag but now we have the full bag and after this bag i don't think i will ever eat them agian. I'm sure my insides will be shiny from the wax.
Other news:
My past random stories blog has shut down due to lack of stories. Is now for "The other-list" I am slowly constructing. ITs gunna be hard i already made one vulgar to a degree and i only have 8 done total... 8/100 (1/100)= 8 done total (1 vulgar)


Neon Duck said...

You are so peculiur, yeah I remember the first one, I had like 1/15 of that bag and I never want to eat swedish fish ever again, so I feel your pain. So what did you get Em? I got her rain boots! THEY ARE SO AWESOME. She wanted blue but were are you going to find blue rain boots anyway? So I got her silver ones. w00t. she's kinda hard to shop for.

pookieface :] said...

duuuuude!!! i want silver rain boots!!! and i want sweedish ghoti!!! Except i have to wait until i get these horrid braces off. Abby ur so lucky!!!!! i have to wait until January. =[

b2the3 said...

HA! I got my braces off last aug.! I can eat sweedish ghoti when ever I want! DM, put it inthe story box.

pookieface :] said...

i never even knew you had braces.... wow i feel out of it.

Neon Duck said...

good one B. really? I knew that, but that was before I met her.

Anonymous said...

...I didn't know you had braces... Ugh, I'm gonna be the last one in our little group to get mine off, but only by a month...oh well, still sucks. But at least I'll have them off by formal...and highschool. ... wow, I used a lot of '...''s in this comment.