Friday, December 5, 2008

Bad. How bad, prey tell? BAD AND BADD BADD BAD. Terrible horrific! Things I could hardly fit in a title bar!

OKAY PEOPLE WAKE UP! Oh right, you can't wake up if you're not here in the first place. The blog is slowly wilting, this blog, this thought we've maintained for more than 2 minutes is becoming depressingly not random, normal, yawn, boring. If I had tear ducts I'd be tearing up right now. So I welcome your odd notions, your peculiar ways your stupid obsessions, (Wait, am I talking about myself? No, no I'm talking about myself AND B, got it.) or anything else that may return this to it's full glory. OR it could become the Atlantis of the wide world web, take your pick.

~Neon Duck, given the name when this blog started that miraculous Tuesday evening in May, and may be no more if no one heeds my prophecy


pookieface :] said...

ok, ill try. it is sad isnt it???
Its because all of dont have as many classes together. (tear)

Neon Duck said...

yeah. It's rather bad.

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

hey did u know that Andy tony and Jacob shultz are going out