Tuesday, July 20, 2010


So I'm going to start an art project sort of thing to keep me occupied for a while and I want your opinion on it. I'm thinking about doing a big drawing/collage/painting thing that has all of us in it, but I don't know for sure what I want to do yet. I know I want to somehow incorperate our screen names into it, maybe in the background or something, but I'm not sure how. My idea right now is to draw out all of us in pencil and then accent each person with a different colored sharpie. Then the background will be a collage and behind each person there will be stuff involving their screen name and personality and it will all be kind of in their accent color, so the background would blend from color to color. Is that lame? Should I just do random stuff in the background? I kind of like the random stuff idea better. Sorry that this is a boring post but I really want your opinion. And I'm going to put "The Guide to Nerdiocity" at the top....I think. But I need to know what color you want, I'm guessing MW wants black, and if you want anything specific in the picture. It's going to be fairly big, you know, if I ever actually start it, and I don't know what I'm going to do with it, but I just wanted something to work on. So give me your ideas, opinions, criticism, ect.


Anonymous said...

Neon, it's not that I don't like the idea, but you don't draw. You make ceramics. I think you could make it, but it sounds difficult. I could always help and I do think it's a cool idea. The greatest tip for an artist is, "Know your limits before starting something."

Neon Duck said...

Umm Happy posted this not me, I'm going to use all my will power not to say something mean you asshole! oh, whoops. Kidding, I know that I suck at drawing, and I'm glad to know that one of my friends is honest with me about my skill levels, maybe you should critic my book...I would like Green happy I think that works well, or maybe red, you choose, and I think in the background you should put stuff that works with each person's personality. And when you're done we could scan it and use it as the background of the blog. THAT'S what we can use it for.

HappyCload said...

Haha, you guys amuse me. And hey! I'm honest with you about your book! And I think you can draw pretty well Neon, I've seen some of your work before. And I don't think we'd be able to use it for the blog background becuase I plan on making it pretty big and I don't think I'd be able to scan it. I think green would be a good color for you too.

Neon Duck said...

YEah you are. I can draw simple things, If I tried to pull this off we'd all look like monsters. Oh, that's not cool, but it'll be nice to have a drawing of us.

HappyCload said...

I was thinking you could put it in the studio if you wanted. I'm just not gonna have anywhere to put it. Unless it comes out looking horrible...then I'll just burn it!

Anonymous said...

I could do the cremation. I'm certified.

pookieface :] said...

okay well i definately have dibs on purple, but i dont think the things in the background should be about our screen names they should be ablout US cause this blog is for US anyway. and i really like the different color fading thing, but PLEASE put it in ROY G BIV order or i wont be able to stand it!

oh, and whats the studio?

HappyCload said...

Don't worry, I'll ROY G BIV so that you don't have a seizure. And the studio is that room at Abby's with all the instruments and stuff.