Sunday, January 24, 2010

My parents just ruined my life.

im crying right now.

well then.

I wasnt allowed to go to youth group tonight which completely sucked. I needed to "spend time with family since i havent seen them in like a week and i need to go to bed early to start my week right." wow, um i was on facebook the whole time. Great spending time with ya! psh. (both my parents arent even here right now cause they have classes with nick and katy at the church.) And then i find out that Youth group was really fun tonight and that Tayte cut his hair and it looks really cute. SO MAD.

Last night i had a breakdown and i was like i need to go to bradley and i was figuring out how everything would work and explaining everything about davidson. I feel like, from what you guys say, the stress level at Bradley is waaaaaaaaaaay less then at Davidson. At my school theres this need to be like, better than everyone in everything and theres so much pressure. and so my mom was like okay well it would take a lot to consider but we can look into you transferring, but dont get your hopes up too high. So i didnt. I mean, i know it would take a heck of a lot to be able to go, but i would definately be up for figuring out how it all could work. Today we were trying to figure out my schedule and everything ( algebra 3, honors chem, french 3, ap us history, honors english, choir, health and photo 1 ) and i was like, ugh mom i need to go to bradley next year. and she was like " im sorry thats not an option." i was like "WHAAAAAAAAAAT? But you just said.... " " i know i know im sorry but me and your dad talked it out and its just, ugh i have to leave to take nick and katy we'll talk later. "

Tetelestai part auditions were today, and as you know, i was sick yesterday, and i sounded horrible. At least i thought so. and i was so freaking nervous!!!!!!!!!! but rehersal was fun and really tiring today.

Well, i guess ill go.

I love you all.



Neon Duck said...


You know it's January and EVERYONE is some level of depressed and breaking down in this dreary month.

I'm very sorry you didn't get to go to youth group and flirt up a storm. But I'm sure Tayte misse you.

Maybe you're stressed to be the best because you're so busy. Gymnastics. Choir. Acting. Advanced Classes. Music Writing.

do what you want but I think you might be happier if you weren't SO busy.

So you're mum completely ruled out bradley?!? NO! Maybe it's negoteable? I miss you!

b2the3 said...

I wish you were here!! I know i miss you. you can totally move in with me and go to bradley.
you ARE REALLY busy. it turns out that my insomnia is totally stress induced and i don't even FEEL stressed out. but i am... i guess.
I kind of want to meet this tayte hunk. what's he like?

Neon Duck said...

hunky, yes that's a personality trait now.

And b, can you control you stress levels?