Thursday, July 3, 2008

No title

'ello everyone ugh blast! the accent's creeping into my writing too! SO I was just going to say that I fixed the comments on my other blog so you can comment whenever....


Anonymous said...


i saw that u like reading and reviewing books...

i'm trying to write a book right now. do you think you could review what i have posted on my blog? (plz use as much constructive criticism as needed) i would luv it if u would. i'm trying to get as much input as possible. So far i have the prologue and part of Chapter 1 posted. I might add to it soon. plz help me out!

Dibsy said...

I...kinda have the same thing like wannabewriter, too. i noticed that you commented on her page with tips...could you give me a tip for my story, too? It's called Of Mallets and Malice (a story). I don't think it's really good... >.<

Anonymous said...

I think that it's cool to be writing a story. Everyone seems to be doing it now. You know, except for the lazy people like me. I mean, I have tried many times, but it always just...yeah, it just never works out quite well. So I just thought, 'Hey! I'll leave the writing to those who can acually write!' When I get around to it I will read your stories too, but Pooks is really the one for that job, and Neon, and B, yeah pretty much everyone. But I have been kinda busy, and Neon knows how long it takes me to get arournd to something like that. On a new topic, sigh, I just had to spend the whole day at my moms cousin's house, which is right on the lake. So I was there with a bunch of relatives that I barely know, and the guy is so rich that he can afford this vacation house. It was pretty miserable, because his daughter and son had 26 other teenagers (Late High school/ early college) spend the night the night before. 26 OF THEM!!! Ok, and is it just me? Or does the thought of 28 boy/girl teenagers spending the night in one house scare you too? So, haha, guess what!? THEY WERE ALL THERE TOO! Not. Fun. Because they were all really...special? Is that mean? I don't know, I just... can't ... relate to them! There, that's a better phrase. But then my cousin got there and I didn't feel so ... alone? But it was still pretty bad. I now know why you have a fear of family gatherings Neon. But I guess in the end I enjoy spending time with all of my interesting relatives ... I guess. Lol. No, I do.


pookieface :] said...

awwwww, that sux. Kinda funny, but it sux. if i was one of those HSers than that would be like, AHMAZING! though.....

Anonymous said...

Yeah, THEY were all having a great time. lol.
