Sunday, July 13, 2008

I'm sorry.

U luckey ducks get to see a terrible picture of me with my blue streak! yay. ill take and post a picture of my one i have on the bottom layer later. im letting it fade, and then ill re-dye it.
My parents are retards, they sed u cant wear shorts with heels, and they told me to change my shoes before we went to church. They said i looked like a street walker, and a prostitute, and i SSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO did not. whateveeeeer. Anyway, Happycload, i have to say that i have ur umbrella at my house cuz i forgot it was in my bag and i just found it. (from RW&B) so yeah, ill get it to you.


Anonymous said...

Wait...what? An umbrella? Since when did I ever have an unbrella around you? RW&B? What?...OH!!! Red, white and boom. Ok, Got it. Yeah. It's all comming back to me now. Lol. Ok, and I have had the same insident with heels. Except I was wearing capris. But I have some to realize that it really depends on what kind of heel it is. If it's like a wedge heel, or like a dress heel. It's one of those things that you think would be really simple, but is really complicated. Oh wait...SHORTS with HEELS!?!? Ok, yeah, no offence but thats pretty bad. Like, really bad. Expecially since your shorts are pretty short sometimes. Yeah, never wear shorts with heels. I confirm that you WILL look like a prostitute. So...good luck with that. Lol. And why don't you ever smile in your pictures!? Why are girls obsessed with posting pictures on the internet? And every girl that does takes them at a wierd angle, and they almost never smile. Am I the only one that thinks that messed up or something. So smile in your next picture. I mean really, jeez. Lol. Ok, I'm finally done.


Anonymous said...

Just to confirm, that doesn't mean that I don't like that picture! I just think you should smile! Light up the world! Lol. You look so like...sad.


pookieface :] said...

yeah, well Laura was taking the pictures and thats the only good one, bcuz i was smiling in the others but the didnt turn out good. and they (the shorts) were like, longish. like past my fingertips. and yes, they were wedges.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Ok then. OH! And by the way. I two mitues ago found your pool pass. It was buried under a bunce of stuff in my bag. That's why I got on here. So...sorry? Tehe. I still have your beach towel too. My mom says we can drop them off at your house tomorrow. Which will be...Tuesday? I think.


IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

i <3 your streak:)

Anonymous said...

Lol, that will be going in my phrase book. You know...if I took the time to make one...hmm...


IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

ummmm i thought u had 1 in that one note book

Anonymous said...

...I probably


pookieface :] said...

ooooooooook, thnx Liv!

Neon Duck said...

Seriously tho, pooks, you look like a moody hag in that picture, if you smiled that would all change...

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

~0.o~ -my favorite character ever

Neon Duck said...

WHY????? Poly is STILL wayyyy better +P