Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mid-life Crisis

This is my relatively small rant about all the stupidity I've faced in the past several months.

I think I'm going through my mid-life crisis at the age of 16. I feel ancient already and completely separate from teenage life.

I feel like my life could be a sick movie/play. It would be a timeless classic about the selfishness and insanity of mankind. My mother plays the role of the annoying 15 year old sister who believes the world revolves around her, my siblings are the innocent by-standers harmed by her psychotic paranoia, I play the 16 year old who starts of with self-centered business and reliance on others that is forced to learn several lessons in life as her 15 year old sister results in her life flipping upside down. Almost all of the 16 year old's friends are no where to be seen as she faces the harsh realities of life. People suck. It will start off with character building then go into the seniors she knew, mainly to tear at peoples' heart strings when one of the seniors can't keep the promise they made that she'd have a whole year left with all of them. Then it would progress to the point where she gets kicked out of school by the school board who is more concerned with money then students, and is forced to deal with her sister all day to the point where she can't stand to see her anymore. Her family's in pieces and her innocent siblings forced into something they should never have to deal with. As time goes by the girl gives up on the world only to learn lessons that add hope even though almost all of her friends have abandoned her. Her "best friend" never even bothering with a text. On top of that one of her other friends completely manipulates her. So as she's facing one of the hardest times in her life she feels more alone then ever. Ending to be determined.

Sorry I just needed to rant and since no one's awake the blog got stuck with it.


b2the3 said...

i love you dearly! and i miss you like CRAZY! my mom is insane, too, otherwise i'd have been living at your house (or you at mine). I finally got un-grounded from when i got grounded in NOVEMBER. so i finally have my life back and guess what? i want you in it :)

Anonymous said...

Trust me. I understand the need to rant. I'd text you, but I don't know your number... :C

Anonymous said...

Also, life may suck now, but NEVER let it defeat you. It can break you, hurt you, or reduce you to tears, but NEVER let it win. It may tempt you with cheap toys like drugs or even suicide. You know that these were simply bought at the pharmacy on the way to the party. Because, deep down, you know that the best things are in the Toys'R'Us just a few miles down the road. You just have to keep goin' 'till you get there.

b2the3 said...

what chicken soup book did you rip that from? jk. very inspirational, jesse.

Anonymous said...

My brain! Everything I say is either inspirational or belittling. Don't you know that by now?

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

It hasn't done a good job of tempting me yet, my social life and attempt at being a teenager is such a fail I wouldn't even know where to find drugs. Not saying I ever would want them, just merely pointing out my lack of knowing people. What is the "Toys'R'Us"? the more quality toys like expensive drugs? :P

Anonymous said...

No. The mythical 'Toys'R'Us' is where the things that really count in life are for sale.

pookieface :] said...

ollie darling, i love you so much. as soon as summer starts and exams are oer youre gonna come live with me again okay? and jesse, that is some amazing advice. i like it.

Anonymous said...

I tend to be amazing when I use symbolism.

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

oh ok gotcha, what really counts in life? The typical things I'm thinking of don't happen. So you have to be the things that really count in life :P I love you too Linz that sounds awesome <3 i didn't recognize your username for a second, it's been so long :P Jesse it really was good advise, i'm just being difficult.

Anonymous said...

S'all good. We've all been there. :P