Thursday, March 17, 2011

I don't like this kid.

Here are the top ten reasons I don't like my stand partner, Max (who should be in Juvie.)

  1. He got expelled and weasled his way back in to school.
  2. He looks like Gollum (LotR).
  3. "Eewww! Allison!!!! The freshman is hitting on me again!!" -me
  4. I've been told (from TILDA obviously) that I have very soft hands. Creepy much?
  5. He may or may not play the tuba better than me. I wouldn't know because he NEVER really plays.
  6. His favorite hobby as far as I can tell is dead baby jokes. Which are sick and disturbing.
  7. He has this habit of not bringing his music and then writing ALL OVER mine.
  8. I REALLY do not like this kid. His aura is like-- have you ever not put enough chocolate syrup in the glass when trying to make chocolate milk? yeah that color.
  10. He doesn't shut up about that one time, in the 7th grade, when he was 1st chair trumpet before switching to tuba. As though I believe it. They only recruit the last chairs for low brass. Thats how I got there.


IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

Aww B I'm sorry, want me to come beat him up? I'm not at Bradley so they can't expel me. Just ignore him when he tries to talk to you, look at a particularly "interesting" piece of carpet, "remember" something you urgently need to get out of your book bag, or be overcome with the sudden urge to talk to someone other then him. He seems like the type that would smell bad... does he smell bad?

b2the3 said...

solid advice! i'm definately going to try out the carpet thing :)

as for the smell, I haven't really checked out his odor, but that may be because the boy on the otherside of me smells so good!

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

Let me know how it goes :) maybe i'll start an advise column thing in my free time...

Ok well I wouldn't recommend sniffing him haha.Well hey that's a good thing, at least there's a guy that smells good :)

b2the3 said...

true enough. if you wrote a column, i'd totally read it. although, i don't know if "dear olivia" is as catchy as "dear abby"... :)

Neon Duck said...

Hell no it isn't! but my advise seems to be be very and unsensitive and to the point, so I feel like yours would be better recieved Liv. +)I love your lists B! it makes me ever so happy.

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

Well Becca I wasn't planning on using my real name I'd come up with some advise guru name like Sha'toya. She can have a foxy attitude. What if I was several advise gurus? Like a nice one, a foxy one, and a straight forward one. That would be awesome. Haha thanks Duckie :)