Monday, September 19, 2011

*Head Explodes*

So since I have no friends and the only person I talk to is my little sister I think I'll rant to the blog. 1 word to sum up how I feel right now? UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! First off aren't Christians supposed to be nice? Isn't community supposed to be important? Because it sure doesn't seem like it, my first week at bishop ready has been absolutely terrible because no one bothered to talk to me except 1 girl, I got a couple "hey new girls" but that's about it, walking in the hallway by yourself while everyone else has friends they've been with since they were born sucks. It made me miss Bradley more, people actually talked to me at Bradley. So on top of hating my teachers I was also on the verge of tears today missing Bradley. The French teacher's a, pardon my french, Bitch. The rules at the school are ridiculously strict, the people are rude, the cliques are worse then in teen novels, and the uniforms are ugly. So why do I stay? you might wonder. because I have to, I'm not going to get into a good college through ecot. The sad thing though is I don't know if this will even help because stupid teachers grade stupid, my french teacher made me take a test Friday over stuff I haven't learned, she promised me that I could leave blanks if I didn't know things and that she wouldn't penalize me for it, that it was just to see where I am. Yeah she graded it, like a nazi on top of that. I repeat Bitch. She also made me take a quiz the day, yes that's right, THE DAY I started. Oh and finally to top off this wonderful sundae of crap, is the rancid cherry on top, the fact that I haven't seen/talked to any of my Bradley friends in forever.

Me ^
Bleh, sorry needed to get that off my chest.


b2the3 said...

dear olivia,
that sucks. i love you. i have an anti-homecoming plan. i want you there :)

p.s. abby just gave me those movies and that charming letter of yours yesterday and it totally made my whole week :D

Anonymous said...

Anti-homecoming??? I want in!