Monday, September 12, 2011

6- Word Memoirs.

So I guess, people were challenged to write their life stories in exactly 6 words. I decided to try it and found that, I can't decide!! so here are 23 of my 6-word memoirs :)
Spending my days learning to live.

Starting to wonder where he went.

Did you know I’m not happy?

I tell myself stories. Damn amused.

Why can’t we just be friends?

I’m just addicted to the past.

Me. You. Let’s do this thing.

Can you stop yelling? Thank you.

Loving him meant leaving me behind.

I didn’t say I love you.

Remember the Old You? I do.

I mostly wish, more than anything.

Lost: Faith. Please Return. Will Wait.

Never got back to that. Sorry.

Lonely Girl Seeks Love. Respond Soon.

I don’t know. Leave me alone.

I’m kinda glad you have him.

Unrequited Love: Story of my life.

Who needs homework? Oh, my GPA.

Girl without Rhythm joins Marching Band.

Good at Lying. Nobody really knows.

Stay out of my room, please.

I don’t like Me that much.


Magdalena said...

So incredibly true...

Anonymous said...

Woah, WHAT? We have a follower? I find that odd. Oh, yeah, B. Why do these stories sound like a love story? I feel like I'm missing a key piece of information...

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

I might have to try that 6 word thing myself, a good idea from a teacher? what?

b2the3 said...

seriously, though. right? and now i'm keeping a 6-word memoir journal where i sum up my day in 6 words. it puts things into perspective :)
p.s. jesse- it reads like a love story because in case you missed it, i'm a hopeless romantic with out a significant other. so yeah.