Friday, October 8, 2010

creativity escapes me!

i cannot write.

i really cant.

i havent written a new song since... june? idk. although today some lyrics popped into my brain during math and i wrote them down, it turned out to be a worship song? i have no idea where that came from. oh well we'll see where it goes i guess.

i really really really cant wait until madrigal tryouts! although theyre in april so i guess i shouldnt hold my breath...

davidson gymnastics is a grand total of 2: me and a frosh with back problems. fanfreakingtastic.

my legs are so sore, theyre going to be sore for homecoming :(

WE GOT A 47' FLATSCREEN LCD TV!!!!!!!!! WERE FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO THE JONESES! hahahaaaa :) my daddy turned 47 yesterday which is why. im so happy!

anyway, im gonna try to blog more often. oh and my lil brother got a facebook, add him and post on his wall all the time, just so itll be funny ;)

love you all! even morbid who forgot i was a part of this blog :*(
love ya!



Neon Duck said...

I'm sorry. I can't write either if that helps? School sucked all the joy out of me. That sucks about gymnastics. sorrrrrry. I hope you do blog more, tell you dad happy birthday for me and I love you too!

Anonymous said...

I still don't have a Facebook...

pookieface :] said...

ugh i know. school just ruins everything! Mw, facebook isnt all that great, it sucks up all your time.

HappyCload said...

Not true. I'm almost never on facebook.