Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Possibly Possible

Yo. This is me saying that the September Updates are (FINALLY) done!

Layout: Too busy to custom make one (esspecially since it's practically October...). Thought I'd go with a fall theme because I'm really tired of all this 60-90 degree fluxing. Make up your mind!

Playlist: It's different. I added lots of new bands. Par usual, it's alternative-ska-punk. If you guys have any suggestions (so I don't have to practically kill myself looking up new stuff every month) seriously, just tell me.

Um, so what's new with me? Slacking. Having fun with it. Need to copy my AP notes in pen, cause they're currently all pencil and we've got a check in a week. Too much math in science. AWESOME english essay that I'm beasting it up in. Cute boy sits next to me in Geology. He likes Edgar Allen Poe and superheros and my music (sort of), but he's pretty anoying. French is soo easy right now. And I've decided to play tuba full time. Except for ensembles/clarinet chior, which were the only really fun parts any way.

Oh, and if you didn't get the memo, I still love the blue-eyed wonder hamster. And I hateeeeee myself for it. It's not fun at all, because I don't even like him, but I want him to be happy. And I want to make him happy. And I'm a pathetic excuse for a teenager.

Kind of on a music kick right now. Hence all the new bands on the playlist. Reel Big Fish is really good, but I didn't pick one of their's because I couldn't decide. Had a big Paramore revival and "Animal" by Neon Trees is one of my favorites right now.

Love you!


Anonymous said...

You want to make him happy? HaHa. Could you BE more of a stripper?

b2the3 said...

Could you BE more missing the point?

Oh... and shut up.

pookieface :] said...

wowwwwww MW. wowwww.

okay so i reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally
like this playlist super much!!!! next month definately have more playradioplay, school boy humor, secondhand serenade, comic book heroes, and paramore. also you should put some sara bareilles on there! but not love song, im so sick of it. also "heartbeat song" (i forget who by) is like the theme of my life right now... and i love Lights Out Dancing too. and matt and kim. and artist vs poet. and CAGE THE ELEPHANT, and cartel "faster ride", free energy "bang pop", passion pit "sleepyhead" and theres this song by sleigh bells that i loooooove but i cant remember it right now.

for real? Blue eyes is back? im giving you permission to become a rubberbandit, keep a rubber band on your wrist and every time you think about him snap it on your wrist! see if that works.

Anonymous said...

1. B, I love you.

2. Rubberbandit sounds REALLY bad.