Thursday, August 14, 2008

What Powers Does this girl hold over Haybug?

OK, Peeps, or uh, Dibs and cloads, and semi-aquatic egg laying mammals of sorts. ANY WAY! OK, so we got our "official" schedules yesterday, right? Haybug, who happens to be one of my friend with a blog (see Coole-0 from may). She also goes to our school. Well, Dana apperantly holds some mystical amulet or cursed pirate treasure of sorts because she has some sort of power over Hay. She's been giving complete crap to Haybug about being in honors science 9 this year. So much that Haybug dropped the course for fear that Dana would verbally torture her (i don't put it past her) second period. I finally convinced her last night not to because obliviously it's what Dana wanted all along. But can you believe her? The nerve!!!! So, we're all in that class (those who go to our school, I mean), right? Well we should totally help her study to help us study, you know? Any way just a thought. And I know, we' re gonna have the great Dana debate again, huh? Well tally up the points, then. -50 for this!



Dibsy said...

...huh? How come I do not know of this? Have I missed something...again?

b2the3 said...

Well, Dana is this psyco all a's perfectionist. Not to say getting all a's is psyco but anyway. Dana was not nice at the begining of the year but she eventually got better. Then her bestie Erin was being all "I'm so my better than every body" and I got sick of it. And I did a band trio with her and this girl, SamE, and they were all "if we screw up, it's ur fault!" And I'm getting all self concious and I start crying, which I never do. well if I'm seriously pms-ing, but not because of somebody. And The Great Dana Debate is weather or not she has gotten better since her last serious screw up or not. Phew!


Dibsy said...

People at school say I'm a perfectionist... (i get lots of a's too)

b2the3 said...

to the point where your not happy unless your a- becomes an a double plus?

Dibsy said...

Hmmmm...not THAT much, that's just annoying. Only if I have a motivation, like a billion bucks. But not that much.

b2the3 said...

Ok, I was a little harsh, but isn't that the blogger way? Type now feel bad about it later? She's not exactly psyco. Sorry Dana. She does tend to sting a little, though, and I meant what I said about crying and a little about torture. Verbal, not physical.

Anonymous said...

Sigh. I don't know guys. I've never seen that side of Dana. She's so nice to me. I just don't get how someone could be so two-faced ya know? I feel Bad for Haybug though. That's pretty harsh, what happened to her I mean...I don't even know what to think of Dana nowa'days...


Dibsy said...

Happycload, please, get a blog. jk jk. Really, is she you guys's friends, Dana, I mean?

Anonymous said...

Well...I'm a little confused about her right now, and I can't really speak for the others.


p.s. I'm working on the whole 'blog' thing dibsy.

b2the3 said...

I think the best word here is frienemy. She is my friend, when we aren't talking about certain things. Things like:

-Band in Eighth Grade. (I'll be concert she'll be syphonic and has this whole fake pity thing)
-What's on my mind at that exact moment. (Random isn't her language.)
-my ex-boyfriend(one of her favorites before we broke up)

All of the above could trigger pysco, What's the matter with you, man? Dana

b2the3 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
b2the3 said...

oops! I accidentally posted 2.

b2the3 said...

oops! I accidentally posted 2.

Neon Duck said...

Okay, Dana means well but she just kinda has this evil side sometimes. But B I beg of you PLEASE don't start anything, really THINK before you talk to her, I don't want to be sdtuck in the middle again.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree, being stuck in the middle is pretty much sucksville.


b2the3 said...

I wasn't going to. It's for Hay and her to work out. If anything, I was going to talk to Hay.

Neon Duck said...

Good job B. And Laura, It's not that bad, being switzerland. You don't have to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but it still sucks.


Neon Duck said...

Hum, okay. I don't feel that way.

Dibsy said...

Ok, you guys. is a little awkward since I don't know you guys, but I have lots frienemies too. ^^

pookieface :] said...

i guess i have to be switzerland too. but u kno, switish people are cool cuz theyre like, right next to finland..... i think..... but anyway...

Dana can be soooooo nice, and stuff and she can also be bossy and she can also be mean and she can also be ummm, crushed??? becuz her mom has cancer remember?? idk, it might have something to do with that. i sat next to her in s.s. last year, and mrs. mueller and me and her were all talking and she told us about her mom, and then she started crying and i almost started crying and mrs. mueller almost started crying.

idk, she was never mean to me, anyway.

P.S. is that even what theyre called?? switish??

Neon Duck said...

sweetish. is how it's pronouced. I have no Idea how u speel it. Okay, I know Dana is amazing. She gets mad at me for being negative and she's got bigger problems than me. I know that, but I think sometimes she can feel like crap and that effects her self esteam and then, that stuff happens.

Dibsy said...

Oh, I have a friend that sounds EXACTLY like her! She's so moody. >.< I laugh when she socks me.

Anonymous said...

Ok, where did the whole Sweetish thing come from!? I was talking about how it sucked to be on both sides of a fight. *sigh* Jeez, I'm so confused. And Dana talked to me about her mom too, before school started one day. It was SO sad. I gave her a big hug. But it was still really sad.


Neon Duck said...

I said I was going to be switzerland, or however you speel it, Yeah, that was really sad, I almost hugged her, but you guys were practically sufficating her with sympothy...

Anonymous said...

Hey! Don't blame us! You could have joined in! It wasn't OUR fault that you felt there was an overwealing aroma of sympothy for Dana! That extra hug would have just added to making her feel better. Lol.


Neon Duck said...

no it wouldn;t make a difference.

Dibsy said...

Her mom has cancer? Well...that does deserve a sympathetic hug, ND...

Neon Duck said...

not my hugs. everyone was hugging her and she wasn't paying attention she was getting embarresed.

Dibsy said...

Ohhh...I guess...that reminds me of Abigail Breslin in a way. (hate her, too much of a goody goody angel face)

b2the3 said...

Just because somebody's loved one has cancer, it doesn't make them a good person, you know. Not that Dana couldn't be one if she tried, it's just she doesn't put that much effort into it anymore.

Dibsy said...

Oh, I didn't mean that. I was talking about how 'everybody hugged her and she wasn't paying attention she was getting embarrased' part.I was all, ehhhh...

Besides, she has sort of a right-not really, nobody has a right to be mean-I mean, her mom has cancer! I would be mean too for a while, too...?

Neon Duck said...

Ha, I don't like
Abigail Bresline either, she is sooooo not kool, she can't even act.

Dibsy said...

She is such a goody-2-shoes, I always feel like slapping her. She's also usually a crybaby in her movies, or at least the movies I watch. :D

Neon Duck said...

I concer.

Dibsy said...

...meaning? I'm going to sixth grade, my vocabulary isn't as enhanced. T_T Don't mind that my reading level is junior year, either. I'm still stupid.

Neon Duck said...

sigh, I may have spelled it wrong, but it means I agree.

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

0.o yah its alot harder to be nice when ur worrying about some one u love or going through a bump in ur life and theres robaby bunches of pressure on her to get good grades and on th bus she was just sitting and staring out the window so i went over and was like sooooooo... Yah then it got all awkward and i moved back to my space

Dibsy said...

Chaco! T_T I thought you fell of the edge of the earth. -_-

Neon Duck said...

yeah, I know how that is.

Dibsy said...

Yep, I stole that line from the post when B was back...

Neon Duck said...

your unorigainal, stealing lines from B?!?! hope I never have to go there. I LOVE YOU B!!

Dibsy said...

I luv you too B. Forgive this piece of ice cream.

Dibsy said...

Yes, wow.