Friday, May 8, 2009

Post Formal Post

Hey, it's Happy, Livy, and Pookie! We just got back from formal and it was AMAZING! The beginning was a little slow, but then everything got really fun when people actually started dancing. Oh, yeah, and Pookie found out that she's way better at slow dancing (haha) then jump dancing...apparently Livy would be better off that way too. Let me explain... *looks discerningly at Livy, who is sitting next to me* while in the middle of the jumping...mob...thing, Ashley was dancing next to Livy and "accidentally" bumped into her, knocking her onto the ground. Causing half of the mob to fall and land on her...kind of like Dominoes...clumsy, painful Dominoes...anyways. Pooks only slow danced because she didn't want to trip like some people...*cough* *Livy* *cough* and is also very uncomfortable with her dancing abilities. Everybody looked really awesome, but it was kinda weird seeing everyone so dressed up. Most of us seemed to have a weird stalker guy following us that a compliment? I havn't decided yet, debate is needed. At one point in the beginning of the dance DM had this awesome idea...LIMBO! Great right? I know. So since we couldn't get any of the teachers to give us a broom to use in concern that we would use it to beat someone to a bloody pulp or and Hobo-ette just used our arms and it worked quite well actually. At first it was just our group, but then we had our OWN mob of limbo...people. There was a lot of crazy dancing that involved suspenders and cha, the wrong direction might I add. But it was still epic, as Neon would say. So that was pretty much our night. Oh wait! We have to rant about preppy princess attire and limos. There's this girl at school, let's call in, ho ho major HO! So she bought a $180 dress and $79 shoes for a SEMI formal, SEMI! Yeah, we don't really like her at times. She came in a limo with all of her friends and a tiara that probably cost like, $100. Enough about her, she's not worthy of this special level of coolness. Well, me and Pooks are off to watch a horror movie while Livy finds something to cower behind.

Guess what! We finially figured out how to turn off that annoying little spell-check thing! Yeah, we're technically disabled, be jealous...


b2the3 said...

5-6-7-8: Do the whiplash, screw in the lightbulb, scuba dive, and giggle hop and shabecca!

pookieface :] said...

hahahahahaha! totally.