Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Good; The Bad; and The Exceptionally Blonde

Tell me the truth: How long have I suffered from "Dumb-Blondeness"? I mean, c'mon! DM took this video of me doing the Shabecca at the pool yesterday and they kept hinting to me that he was taking this vid, but being the blondie I am, I ignored it. I was rocking out to Wheezer's Island In the Sun and got a little bit carried away. Looking back I can see so many times where I've been exceptionally blonde. "Can they even breathe?" If you don't know to what I'm refering, See "Myrtle Beach" in the archive. If you do feel free to laugh, I've been laughing at myself a lot. Well, hind sight is 20-20, no?

B is for Blonde


Anonymous said...

I never really think of you as being blonde!!?? Aren't you always right with the rest of us??

b2the3 said...

i'm a dirty blonde. I'll admit, I'm less blonde than others, but I'm olbviously niave. THANKS FOR POINTING THAT OUT DARK MATTER!

Neon Duck said...

Oh B, B, B, those moments are the reasons we keep you around.

pookieface :] said...

hahaha! i can remeber a couple times... i think every one in our little group has their moments... expescially me and livy and happy... and you... neon only occasionally. hmmm, i cant really think of a blonde moment for DM or our little hobo lover... interesting.

Anonymous said...

who's the hobo lover? If it's me I can assure you that I do live in a house. My moments are more like this;
"OOOOH! VIDEO GAMES!!Where's the pudding?"

IloveCh0c0lAtE said...

HAH I'm not the Blonde one anymore!!!!!

pookieface :] said...

ha, no hobo lover is not you heat sig. and liv, you will always be the MOST blonde, just because you just are blonde. so umm sorry, your still the blonde one.

HappyCload said...

...I have blonde moments?

Neon Duck said...
