I'm Not Your Stepping Stone: Yes, unfortunately, I am. I am pretty much everybody's stepping stone... and it sucks.
Love is Just Around the Corner: Yeah, right. Ok, not to be a TOTAL pesimist, but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, no, love is not around the corner.
We were Made for Eachother: TOK likes Jessica. I'm kinda done with the drama. So, I guess we WEREN'T made for eachother (not that i actually really thought that to begin with but still...)
You Told Me: He never said there was a chance with the two of us. I made the whole thing up in my head, and now it's totally over and I'm over it. Moving on.
I Won't be the Same: Positivity, thy new name is Becca.
Love you and making changes for the better,
B :)
You are a beautiful person B!
you're a beautiful person, too, anonymous commenter! :)
I am so confused right now...
People actually read our blog?!
for all you know I could be anonymous commenter... but i'm not :( anonymous commenter is so mysterious, i wish i was anonymous... hmmmm... hehe
Anonymous. You make my day. You are also kinda creepy. We should be friends.
Confession time: I was the second anonymous. I don't want to take credit for the awesome creepy but oddly supportive first anonymous.
Gasp! I was led on... Damn you, Chocolate and your smooth, lusty voice! You took advantage of my vulnerability...
i'll admit that i was also fooled by that smooth lusty voice... jesse, where do you come up with this stuff??
I make it up. Does that really surprise you after I said that I'd be invited to more parties if I was a flounder?
I have been told quite often that i have a smooth lusty voice, I didn't mean to manipulate you jesse, i just couldn't help myself... sorry curse this lusty voice!
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