Sunday, November 28, 2010

tell me the truth so i can muse over it and become torn up inside

do you think im making kyle my whole world?


Anonymous said...

I don't know of whom you are speaking.

b2the3 said...

personally, no. i don't think you have. i mean, you still no that you have friends, which is more than some people in relationships can say. why? did someone tell you that?

Neon Duck said...

Oh morbid....
Okay, well because I freak out about making tom my whole world I think we can all agree I'm quite sensitive about the subject. . . But he's been apart of your life for several months he was your first kiss, it's natural to feel a little hole in your heart. that doesn't mean it was an unhealthy realationship . SO I don't think you centered your life around him too seriously.