Saturday, August 14, 2010

MARLON BRANDO WAS A JERK OF ALL JERKS (trying to clean up my language a bit)

It is a fact universally acknowledged that Marlon Brando was a hunk to end all hunkdom (I mean HAVE YOU SEEN on the water front?!?!) The Beatles based their look off of him for crying out loud! However, some startling information as occurred to me and I am here to dish the dirt on this rebel without a cause. Marlon Brando Had two wives, which isn't all that uncommon, but that is just the beginning. Neither lasted more than two years, within a five year span in the late sixties. After which Brando through marriage to the wind and fathered four illegitimate children, two of which with the wife he had just divorced. The other two with Asian and Tahitian women who remain 'unnamed'. He did, however marry yet another actress in '62 and with a great mustering fidelity he managed to stay with her for a full ten years. However, he only had two children with her adopted another and to top it had a child with the former maid, which might have something to do with the divorce in '72. After which plenty of biographers 'suggest' that he may in fact be a great deal of other people's daddy.
So at the end of the day he has a high score of:
3 wives
8+ children
Go you big daddy. Actually polygamy is still practised in a few Mormon sects, so they might be neck and neck with Brando.
HOWEVER: Brando was never quite a saint on screen, even in Guys and Dolls, one of his significantly cleaner rolls, he was a gambling conniving man. And it gets worse in "A Street Car Named Desire", "The Godfather" and "Rebel Without a Cause". The only times he gets anywhere close to saintly was in "On the waterfront" when he plays the sadly ignorant once glorious boxer. He has been in so many excellent movies, and he is a stupendous actor, not to mention a dreamboat, so I guess that'll give him some excuse.
On the bright side Joan Beaz is still awesome.

OKAYDOKE guys the rant has now come to a close, none of you probably know what any of that was about but that's okay because no one really gets on lately.


Anonymous said...

I get on still. Secretly, I might add.

Anonymous said...

James Dean starred in Rebel Without A Cause, not Brando. He did however star in The Wild One which inspired Dean for his role in Rebel.

Anonymous said...

Spell check and grammer.

Especially if you are going to tear down the deceased.

Unknown said...

The beatles got their look from the German art students they met while they were playing in the red light district in Hamburg. the one who cut their hair was named astrid kirchner. there's a theory that lennon got the name beatles from the movie the wild one but it was lee marvin that said the line, not brando.

Anonymous said...

Your entire argument is solely based on his love life? This seems petty, your references also do not make sense and your grammar should really be looked over before you post hese kinds of things. Marlon Brando is deceased and I believe that you have a right to an opinion as does everyone else, however you should be more respectful about his private life

Rusty said...

He was NOT in Rebel Without a Cause. That was James Dean.