Sunday, May 23, 2010


so now, its 9:45 Sunday night, and i have approxamately "2 minutes" left on the computer... lets see if i can do this in a time crunch.
well, the beginning was REALLLLY hard. i was so grateful to have Erin Rose, Makenzie, and Saana with me to make HDvHS seem even a little bit like home. The schoolwork was exhausting, and i missed all of you so much, i would cry all the time. im pretty sure i had a little case of depression. I was enlightened a tad bit during the winter. Even though gymnastics took up almost allllllll of my time, i was at Bradley alot and so i felt a bit less depressed. i tried to make the best of my school year because i figure if i have to be stuck here (ive finally faced the reality that im not going to be able to transfer) i might as well have fun. I made a few friends, some of which i wish i hadnt made, its just toooooo much. Some friendships i wish i hadnt kept. But my fellow nerdy geekmates cheered me up a bit. Even though Aglebra 2 has been tough (understatement) thats one of my favorite classes. Bio is my favorite though, because we have so much fun! we had a party on friday, because we had 300+ points turned in that week between honors projects, pig dissections, quizzes and our 100 pt test. French this year has sucked so bad, you cant even imagine. Mme Homsi cant teach, she grew up in Lebanon and Paris,(where she spoke both french and english) so she doesnt know what its like to NOT KNOW ANY OF THE LANGUAGE AT ALL before you start learning it, and we pretty much havent learned anything. im not even kidding. its bad, and ive heard Mme Shepard is even worse. Choir has been awesome though, i love the people in my class and i made senior choir!!!!! And i have a solo!!! (wednesday 7:30 PAC its a whole song, one that IIIIII wrote, be there!)
Sports have been alright, gymnastics made me so mentally weak its such a hard sport. Its hard on everything, your life mostly, but your body and definately your mind. Track, even though it was hard, felt like a cake walk. i think i might have to look at it with a more positive attitude next year, because i could be really good but i put like 0 value into it this year and it showed.
Tetelstai and everything that i've done with my church outside of school has definately been a high point in my year. TTT rocked my world, so many experiences. i feel like ive matured because of it, alot. and then now that i go to youth groups, i feel like im in a way better space. And i found out that i LOOOOVE snowboarding :]
anyway im going to be grounded if i dont get off now, so love you all, see ya!


Anonymous said...

Do you know what enlightened means?

Neon Duck said...

She writes three paragraphs and thats what you say MW? And I will gather up who I can and we will be there pooks! I'm sorry you had a really rough year but next year will be way better I'm sure. Love you!!! And I miss you everyday.

pookieface :] said...

yes it means to give spiritual or intellectual insight to. and yeah, i kinda deviated from that, i got sidetracked. i think i meant that i was enlightened to things iabout myself that i'd never discovered before.
im stressed because my brother has strep and i have that solo wednesday... gah!!!!!!!!!

b2the3 said...

your year seems so much more productive (?) than mine. all i learned was to laugh at sex jokes.

pookieface :] said...

ahahhhhhhhh! corrupter becca! okay, now that in itself is an accomplishment. welcome to the world of pervs.

Anonymous said...

You thank me for Becca 2.0 I guess you could say she was my Frankenstein (the monster, of course).

pookieface :] said...

ummmm did you just call becca a monster?! way to insult, geeeeze! haha jk i get it :]