Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Pretty Reckless and A Preview!

This is one of my new favorite bands!! It's called "The Pretty Reckless" and you may recognize the lead singer. It's Taylor Momsen who is on "Gossip Girl" (which I may or may not have a slight addiction to!) and her voice is actually really amazing. This song, "Make Me Wanna Die", is their first one, but they've got more and I really like their sound. Don't you?

Um, so I'm writing a new story... again. It's basically about this girl, Mittie (I LOVE THIS NAME!!! It's short for Matilda, which I don't particularly enjoy.) and in chapter 1, she starts recieving letters from "the guru" who insists that it is her job to find 11 other people who posess the spirits of the zodiac sun signs (she's leo). Um, basically it's action/adventure meets corny comedy. I like the style I'm using here, so I hope my muses stay around for a while!

Love for Now and Always:


Neon Duck said...

I LOVE YOU B I LOVE YOU B I LOVE YOU B I LOVE YOU B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is awesome! and I can't wait to read it and I love my umbrella! and my muse is back too! I'm writing a new book too! ahhhh! love!

HappyCload said...

New books all around! I better get to read them. And B, I LOVE THE UNBRELLAS!!!!

b2the3 said...

What can I say? I was struck by inspiration! I thought it was a cute idea, but it took forever and a day. So, it'll have to stay til May when I can come up with a summer idea. :)

Neon Duck said...

You are gifted You have mastered the art of paint! No joke!