Monday, February 8, 2010

update on all things lindsey!

So i saw three movies that made me cry this weekend...
Friday i saw Dear John with Lexi. Its a horible movie!!!! i loved it but it was horrible, that girl is such a slut!
Then i saw this one about John Keats at abbys... love him!
Then yesterday after youth group (tayte wasnt there but i was talking to Nolan some, theyre both hunks :] ) I went home and Titanic was on. I started watching even though it was like right in the middle. My parents got home from there party and i was sitting there sobbing my eyeballs out. I love Jack, hes like the freaking perfect guy!!!!!!!!!!! omg, i had to record the next showing so i could see the whole thing. gotta go to class ill post more later!


Neon Duck said...

yeah, keats is a dream boat....+) You're still so guy's good to have the old pooks back.

pookieface :] said...

awwwh thanks!!! i like the old, skanky, pooks too!