Sunday, February 14, 2010

omg. i got to drive on saturday!!!!!!!!!

im for sure (hopefully!!) getting my temps this weeeeeeek!

To tide me over my mom let me drive the van around the parking lot at the church! i got 'er up to 15 mph :]


Monday, February 8, 2010

update on all things lindsey!

So i saw three movies that made me cry this weekend...
Friday i saw Dear John with Lexi. Its a horible movie!!!! i loved it but it was horrible, that girl is such a slut!
Then i saw this one about John Keats at abbys... love him!
Then yesterday after youth group (tayte wasnt there but i was talking to Nolan some, theyre both hunks :] ) I went home and Titanic was on. I started watching even though it was like right in the middle. My parents got home from there party and i was sitting there sobbing my eyeballs out. I love Jack, hes like the freaking perfect guy!!!!!!!!!!! omg, i had to record the next showing so i could see the whole thing. gotta go to class ill post more later!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's on like Butter on Toast!

My coloring book is awesome. Or it will be when I get started. Laura's going down!!! Getting paranoid, so I will stop speaking of my amazing ideas... Yeah, Laura, I know you're spying on my awesome idea!
In English, hating every moment of the unnessisary swooning of my peers. He is a fricken teacher!!